Exhibition of Graphics and Photography "About Her"
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с 28 Февраля
по 12 МартаAlpert Gallery
Красноказарменная ул., д. 3
It is believed that a naked female body in itself is capable of causing associative rows associated with various human experiences - from “low” concrete to images of a “higher” abstract order, including humility, defenselessness, energy, harmony. Naturally, for artists of all ages in a naked body was a rich palette of meanings and plots.
Alpert Gallery presents an exhibition entitled "About her," which combines the work of two authors: the artist Alexei Chaykasov and photo artist Lisa Eshva. The invitation of so different authors, moreover not familiar with each other before starting work on the project, is a conscious experiment of Alpert Gallery. His idea is to present two independent artistic statements on an eternal topic. However, the curators are not ready to confine themselves to a simple contrast: man - woman, artist - photographer, color - "black and white dichotomy." They are interested in the artistic context that arises in the process of interaction between two talented authors on a single platform.
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