Exhibition "Graphics of Mexico" (works of graphic art 1937 - 1980s)
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с 3 по 13 Сентября
Галерея “На Каширке”
ул. Ак.Миллионщикова, д.35, корп.5
About two hundred exhibits of the exhibition were provided from the foundation of the Academy of Folk Art. The collection of graphics in Mexico came about as a result of many years of creative activity and exchange exhibitions between the artists of the Mexican Folk Art Workshop and the Soviet Lubok Workshop, led by Viktor Penzin, a graphic artist, collector, now president of the Folk Art Academy, artistic director of the Moscow Museum of Folk Art.
The works of a major engraver of the 19th century, Jose Guadalupe Posada (1851-1913), are imbued with a folkloric spirit, especially characteristic for him are “calavers” - various scenes with skeletons dressed in the clothes of peasants and townspeople, landowners and merchants. "Calavera" (translated from Spanish as the skull) - the custom to perform the image of skulls and skeletons in connection with Memorial Day.
The sheets of Leopoldo Mendes (1902-1962), continuing the tradition of the socially active art of Posada, are subordinated to one pronounced idea and acquire the character of a monumental symbol. Mendes became the founder of the Workshop of Popular Graphics (1937), led the creation of a series of anti-fascist posters. A series of documentary lithographs depicting the brutal murder of rural teachers by bands of religious fanatics was completed in 1939. The creation of the engraving “The Train of Doomed for the Black Book of Fascist Terror in Europe” dates back to 1942. Leopoldo Mendes was awarded the International Peace Prize, and the Workshop of Popular Graphics also received it.
The series of engravings "Images of the Mexican Revolution", created in 1947 by the artists of the Workshop of Popular Graphics, is the largest work of the association. The history of the struggle of the Mexican people, ranging from peasant riots and the first strikes of industrial workers, is documented on 85 pages. The exhibition exhibits twenty-six prints of this series.
The guest of honor at the opening of the exhibition on September 3 at 17.00:
Jorge Reinoso Polens, cultural attaché of the Embassy of Mexico in Russia.
The organizers of the exhibition are the ANO "Academy of Folk Art" and the Moscow City Public Library "Association" Exhibition Halls of Moscow ", Gallery" On Kashirka ".
With the support of the Government of Moscow and the Department of Culture of the Embassy of Mexico in the Russian Federation.
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