Exhibition of Galina Sergeeva "BLESSED EDGE"
Automatic translate
с 25 Января
по 28 ФевраляГосударственный комплекс “Дворец конгрессов”
Стрельна, Березовая аллея, 3
January 25 at 15.00, the “Palace of Congresses” will be filled with bright and vivid colors of the paintings of the young Crimean artist Galina Sergeeva.
A graduate of the art and graphic faculty of the Kursk Pedagogical Institute, Sergeyeva works in the genres of landscape, still life and portraiture. She also devoted several years to the painting of the iconostasis of the Assumption Church of the Lipetsk Diocese. The works of Galina Sergeeva are stored in private collections around the world - from Germany and Sweden to Japan and the United States. Today, the author lives in Crimea and prefers to work in the open air.
At the exhibition in the exhibition halls of the Konstantinovsky Palace will be presented about twenty works made in various genres. In the landscapes you will see Gurzuf and Yalta, Ayu-Dag and Chekhov’s Bay, and her still lifes with the gifts of the fertile Crimean land will add a little sun to the gloomy winter of St. Petersburg.
The exhibition will be held as part of the project "Contemporary Artists of Russia".
It will be possible to see the exhibition on sightseeing tours of the Konstantinovsky Palace until February 28, 2017.
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