Exhibition of photographs by Gleb Kosorukov "Curtain"
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с 24 Ноября
по 16 ДекабряМузей Москвы
Зубовский бульвар, 2
From November 24 to December 16, 2018, the Museum of Moscow will host an exhibition of photographs by Gleb Kosorukov “Curtain”. These will be pictures taken at the Bolshoi Theater in the last days before its closure for repairs.

“In the summer of 2005, ten days before the historic building of the Bolshoi Theater was closed for reconstruction, I got the opportunity of unlimited access to the building and all its premises,” says Gleb Kosorukov. - He came to the theater early in the morning and stayed until the end of the evening performance. For more than a century, the theater community lived tightly and depended little on external realities; neither perestroika nor the country’s transition to a capitalist economy changed this. The theater is not only dancers or opera singers, but also technical staff, only about 200 people, among them there were real theatrical centenarians. For these people, reconstruction was not just a change of interiors, but the end of an era. ”
Immersing the viewer in the atmosphere of the theater, the artist guides him through a series of scenes where we see ballet dancers, opera singers, props, costumes, lighting, engineers, technicians, and the very work of a huge complex theater mechanism presents an exciting stage action.
After the exhibition, some of the photographs will be transferred by the author to the collection of the Museum of Moscow.
Gleb Kosorukov was born in a closed scientific center in the Urals. He graduated from the Theoretical Department of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute with a degree in nuclear physics. In the 90s he worked as a photojournalist for the editions of The New York Times, The Guardian, Time, and others. By the end of the 90s, he began to actively engage in art projects and fashion photography for European magazines. Member of the Moscow Union of Artists and the Creative Union of Artists of Russia. Author of projects and monumental installations exhibited in Russia and Europe, participant in festivals and group exhibitions of contemporary art, photo festivals. Nominee and finalist of the Kandinsky Prize in 2010 with two projects: “100 Stakhanovists” (project of the year) and “Procession” (media project of the year). The works of Gleb Kosorukov are in the collections of the Russian Museum, the Hermitage, the Multimedia Art Museum, the Museum of Moscow, in private collections in Russia and abroad.
Opening of the exhibition “Gleb Kosorukov. Curtain ": November 23 at 19.00. Free admission.
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