Exhibition, enchanting live with artist Lora Zombie
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23 Августа
Cвободное пространство “Циферблат”
Лиговский пр., д. 74
On August 23, SketchLab Illustration Festival presents live with Lora Zombie. In the free space of the Dial, located in the Loft of the FLOOR PROJECT, a completely enchanting live will take place with the artist Lora Zombie. For one day, the walls of the space of the dial will turn into a personal exhibition of the artist. All visitors can not only touch the mysterious moment of creating a new work, but also see the finished work of the artist. We will give everyone a tasty tea and coffee, and all kinds of cupcakes, teramissa, donuts, cookies and pies for all participants will be prepared by Lora Zombie herself.
Lora Zombie is a truly iconic artist from St. Petersburg, whose solo exhibitions were held not only in different cities of Russia, but also abroad: in the UK and the USA. The combination of acrylics and ink, the fuzziness of lines and contours, pure saturated colors and multiple smudges - all this conveys the ephemerality of the world around us. In her work, Lora Zombie skillfully intertwines the world of the fictional and the present, fantasy and reality. There is an immersion in a completely new reality, in contact with which you do not understand: either this reality has absorbed you and now you are a small part of it, or you have absorbed a new unfamiliar world, and it has become an integral part of your inner universe.
We invite everyone to become participants in the unique action of turning a white canvas into a real work of art.
Musical accompaniment of the event will be presented to us by Dima Lavrentiev (former member of the Alai Oli band). It will be positive, relaxed and fun!
Personal live communication during the autograph session will complement the picture of a magical evening. Also, anyone can purchase exclusive signed artist posters and badges from the famous Waf Waf, released in a limited edition.
We are waiting for everyone on August 23 from 13:00 to 18:00
Ticket price: 500 rubles.
Address: free space "Dial" Ligovsky pr., 74
(Loft Project FLOORS 5th floor).