Exhibition "Fyodor Dubrovin. Painting"
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с 25 Мая
по 3 ИюняВыставочный зал Изобразительных искусств ТСХР “Лаврушинский, 15”
Лаврушинский пер. 15
In the exhibition hall of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts "Lavrushinsky 15" will be an exhibition of Fedor Dubrovin.
In 2012, Dubrovin Fedor Gennadievich graduated from the St. Petersburg State Art and Industry Academy named after A. L. Stieglitz (with honors) Department of Monumental and decorative painting. 2010 studies at the Lahti Institute of Design, Finland Institute of Design and Fine Arts Lahti University Sciences LUAS (under the student exchange program). In 2006 he graduated from the Cheboksary Art College, Department of Easel Painting.
Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia of the painting section, member of the International Federation of Artists.
He took and take part in art international and national exhibitions. The works are in the collection of the Museum of the Frescoes of Dionysius and in private collections.
2014 Russian Academy of Arts. By a decision of the Presidium of the Academy of September 2, 2014 he awarded the Dubrovin Medal to Fedor Gennadievich. President Z.K. Tsereteli
2014, the Russian Academy of Arts thanks Dubrovin Fedor Gennadievich for participating in the Third Interregional Academic Exhibition-Competition "Red Gate / Against the Current" Order No. 26 of October 6, 2014.
2013 Russian Academy of Arts. By a decision of the Presidium of the Academy of April 2, 2014, he awards Fyodor Gennadevich Dubrovin with Iplom. President Z.K. Tsereteli
2013. Creative Union of Artists of Russia. The diploma for contribution to domestic art is awarded to Dubrovin Fedor Gennadievich. President of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia K. Khudyakov
2011, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation St. Petersburg State Art and Industry Academy named after A.L. Stieglitz A diploma of the laureate of the international exhibition “Landscape” in the framework of the program of cultural events “We are different, we are together!” To celebrate the 300th anniversary of the city of Lomonosov, F. Dubrovin is awarded for his work “The Night City”
2011 Dubrovin Fedor Gennadyevich was awarded the Diploma of the Interuniversity creative competition dedicated to St. Tatyana’s Day, for the work “Bright Day” recognized among the best in the nomination “Fine and Decorative and Applied Art”
2010 Dubrovin Fedor Gennadyevich was awarded the Diploma of the Interuniversity creative competition dedicated to St. Tatiana’s Day, for the graphic triptych “Theater” in the nomination “Fine and Decorative and Applied Art”
2009. Diploma of Participant of the 1st International Festival “Young Art” Presented to Dubrovin Fedor Gennadievich St. Petersburg 2009
2009 St. Petersburg State Conservatory named after N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Opera and Ballet Theater World Club of St. Petersburg with the support of the Committee for Culture of the Government of St. Petersburg 4 Christmas International Music Festival Festival of Bethlehem Star DIPLOMA participant Art Competition Christmas Award Awarded Dubrovin Fedor
2009. Dubrovin Fyodor is awarded with a diploma for participation in the exhibition “In Alliance with Music” For the work “Theater”
2009 Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Federal State Institution Kirillo-Belozersky Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve Branch of the Museum of Frescoes Dionysia Diploma For participation in the international exhibition under the program School of Dionysia - 2009 Dubrovin Fedor
2008 Interregional Exhibition 20 years to the Union of Designers of Chuvashia Certificate Dubrovin Fedor
2008. Municipal Institution “Art Museum” A diploma is awarded to a participant in the art exhibition “Novocheboksarskaya Palette - 2008”
2006. Novocheboksarsk Art Museum. The diploma is awarded to Dubrovin Fedor Gennadevich participant of the 7th city exhibition "Novocheboksarskaya palette - 2006"
2015. Participant of the exhibition “Sign. Symbol "Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation," Ark "Gallery, Moscow
2014. Member of the regional exhibition "Red Gate Against the Current"
2014. Participant of the exhibition “Paper, on paper, from paper.” Moscow, gallery “Ark”
2013. Participant of the exhibition in the "Central Art Museum", "Under the Roof of the TSHR", Cheboksary, Czech Republic.
2013. Member of the Biennale "Modern Russia" Cheboksary - 2012. Czech Republic Novocheboksarsk.
2012 The exhibition in the Loft Project Floors is the name of the exhibition Hot Cold, St. Petersburg.
2012 Exhibition in the gallery "Ark" exhibition theme: "Two spaces" Moscow.
2012 “Russia and Denmark in landscapes” Russian Center for Science and Culture, Copenhagen
2012 "TSHR" Art Museum Dolgoprudny
2011 "Union of Artists of Russia" Autumn Exhibition 2011 St. Petersburg
2011 "Big Volga" Saransk Republic of Mordovia
2011 Exhibition at the Ark Gallery Exhibition Topic: “Space and Plane”, Moscow
2011 International exhibition at the St. Petersburg State Art and Industry Academy named after A. L. Stieglitz “Landscape” St. Petersburg
2011 Exhibition in the central exhibition hall of Kolomna "Orthodox Russia"
2011 “Union of Artists of Russia” Spring exhibition in Cheboksary, Czech Republic
2011 "TSHR" Exhibition Hall Heritage Moscow
2011 Exhibition in the gallery "Ark", Moscow
2010 Manege Exhibition St. Petersburg 2010 St. Petersburg
2010. An exhibition of three authors at the National Center, St. Petersburg
2010 Manege Exhibition St. Petersburg 2010 St. Petersburg
2010 “Union of Artists of Moscow Region”, Shchelkovo, Moscow Region
2010. Exhibition in the gallery "Ark" exhibition theme: "White in art", Moscow
2010 "Union of Artists of Russia" Autumn Exhibition 2010 St. Petersburg
2009 Manege Exhibition St. Petersburg 2009 St. Petersburg
2009. "St. - Petersburg State Conservatory named after N. A. Rimsky - Korsakov. Opera and Ballet theatre. Exhibition "Christmas", St. Petersburg
2009. Exhibition "In Alliance with Music" St. Petersburg
2009. Chuvash National Art Museum. Exhibition, purchase in the storerooms of the Cheboksary Museum of the Czech Republic
2009. Museum of the Frescoes of Dionysius. Exhibition. Vologda region Ferapontovo. Works purchased by the museum
2009 "Union of Artists of Russia" Autumn exhibition in Cheboksary of the Czech Republic
2009 "Union of Artists of Russia" Autumn Exhibition St. Petersburg
2009 Exhibition Young Talents of Russia St. Petersburg, Kronstadt
2009 Exhibition at the St. Petersburg Art and Industry Academy named after A. L. Stieglitz “Ferapontovo” St. Petersburg
2008. Interregional exhibition of 20 years to the Union of Designers of Chuvashia
2008 "Union of Artists of Russia" Spring exhibition in Cheboksary, Czech Republic
2008 "Union of Designers of Russia" Interregional Exhibition of Cheboksary of the Czech Republic
2007 "Union of Artists of Russia" Spring exhibition in Cheboksary, Czech Republic
2006. An exhibition in the museum of local lore of the village of Vurnary Chuvash Republic
2006. Personal exhibition of 3 authors at the plant of JSC Elektropribor, Cheboksary, Czech Republic
2006. Bulgarian Cultural Center. Exhibition Moscow
2006 Exhibition "Novocheboksarskaya Palette" Novocheboksarsk CR
2005 "Union of Artists of Russia" Autumn exhibition of Cheboksary of the Czech Republic
2005. Exhibition in the Mayakovsky library of Cheboksary of the Czech Republic
2005. Exhibition at the plant of JSC "Elektropribor" in Cheboksary, Czech Republic
2004 "Union of Artists of Russia" Autumn exhibition of Cheboksary of the Czech Republic
2004 Exhibition at the Institute of Education of Cheboksary of the Czech Republic
2003 “Union of Artists of Russia” Spring exhibition in Cheboksary, Czech Republic
2002 "Union of Designers of Russia" Regional exhibition of Cheboksary of the Czech Republic
Major works in architecture:
2013 - painting aprons in the kitchen in two one-room apartments. St. Petersburg, st. Pulkovo, residential complex "New Dynasty". Material: acrylic paints.
2013 - an integrated solution of two MAP MAR stores with mural elements. St. Petersburg, Vladimirsky Prospect, shopping center "Vladimirsky Passage".
2013 - three murals in a residential apartment on the theme: "Natural motives." Moscow, 78 Marshal Zhukov Ave., Continental housing complex. Material: acrylic paints, silk screen printing.
2012 - painting of the altar of the church Smolensk region fifteen kilometers from the city of Vyazma Odigitrievsky female monastery on the Vyazemsky military field. Material: acrylic paints.
2012 - sgraffito towels in the altar of the church, Moscow, pos. Shishkin Forest. Material: sgraffito (tinted lime plasters).
2012 - painting in the altar of the church, Moscow Region, Potochino village. Material: acrylic paints.
2011 - a stained-glass window on the fifth floor at the St. Petersburg Art and Industry Academy named after A. L. Stieglitz on the theme "Girl walking on the roofs of St. Petersburg." Material: glass, metal salts. 18 sq. meters.
2011 - ceiling painting in the cottage "Baroque ornaments". Leningrad region, Lembolovskaya stronghold. Material: acrylic paints. 40 sq. meters.
2010 - painting on the theme "man and nature" in the Cancer Center. Leningrad region, p. Sand. Material: acrylic paints. 15 sq. meters.
2010 - p. Vurnary st. Karl Marx, 28. Stella (monumental panel) "the history of the village of Vurnara." Material: colored cements, sgraffito. 20 sq. meters.
2008 - painting in the nightclub "SHINE" St. Petersburg Nevsky pr. Material: acrylic paints.
2006 - painting in the machine shop at the plant of OJSC Elektropribor in Cheboksary. The plot is a formal composition. Material: cold encaustic.
2005 - cast glass stained glass at the government house in Cheboksary, Chechnya. The plot is the coat of arms of the Chuvash Republic.
Material: cast glass, stainless steel frame. Diameter is 6 meters. Work at the height of 14 - 15 floors.
2005 - painting in the machine shop at the plant of OJSC Elektropribor in Cheboksary. The plot is a national theme. Material: cold encaustic.