Exhibition "Texture of Emptiness"
Automatic translate
с 12 Сентября
по 4 ОктябряГалерея “На Каширке”
ул. Ак.Миллионщикова, д.35, корп.5
Emptiness is the absence of any completeness, "Nothing". “Nothing” does not exist, there is no positive definition for it, it is a symbol, a way of thinking associated with the idea of the non-existence of anything. If you imagine that there is nothing in some space, it will still remain a place with limitless potential for the appearance, change and disappearance of anything.
In physics, Void is the space of the universe, the absolute antipode of matter. As physicists consider the theory of the formation of the Universe from "Nothing", so from "Nothing" the Universe of the artist arises, giving shape, filling the Emptiness with the texture of the projection of the external and internal world.
The three components of the exposition - form, nature, dreams, revealing the theme in different aspects - tell about the author’s feelings and reasoning reflected in sculpture, installations, objects, scenography, assemblages.
Diana Mayorova - artist, graduated from the South-Russian Humanitarian Institute (Rostov-on-Don), Faculty of Design and Art, a member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia (section Tetra-Art), a member of the International Organization of Dream Researchers.
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