Exhibition "ex machina" 6+
Automatic translate
с 18 Июня
по 22 АвгустаЭлектромузей в Ростокино
ул. Ростокинская, д.1
One of the main problems in the relationship between humans and machines is figuring out where the line is between human and technological when they do something together. And this is not only an ethical but also an aesthetic problem.
The ex machina work challenges such boundaries with a generative system that creates multi-channel audio in real time. She does this on the basis of a set of predetermined rules, the random combination of which can lead to unexpected auditory experiences.
Author: Valery Shevchenko - artist, philosopher, musician. Studied at the Moscow School of Photography and Multimedia. A. Rodchenko, workshop "Interactive, communication and mixed media", teaches sociology at the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences. Under the pseudonym dadaisme he collaborates with the Oblast label. Engaged in algorithmic sound and live coding performances.
Curator: Sergey Kasich.
Complex visit to the Electromuseum (all exhibitions) - 150 rubles (full), 75 rubles (preferential)
Visiting the main exhibition - 100 rubles (full), 50 rubles (preferential)
Visiting the sound gallery - 100 rubles (full), 50 rubles (preferential)
Tuesday - Sunday: from 11:00 to 20:00
- Photographic landscape and the problem of the ideal
- Phenomenology of knowledge: modern interpretations
- Sociological consequences of drunkenness
- English audio lessons for beginners
- English for beginners: where to start?
- "Measure for measure", harmony or disharmony?