Exhibition of Eva Evinson "Faces of Nature"
Automatic translate
с 28 Ноября
по 4 ДекабряГалерея ИЗО/IZO Art gallery
Романов переулок, 4 стр. 2
The artist’s need to express his thoughts and feelings in his work is quite natural. It is no accident that the fate of human nature, and the formation of its feelings, world outlook, and the evolution of the inner world are reflected in the picturesque space. The most expressive here are poetic themes, supported by direct associations with real and fantastic natural landscapes.
In the original imaginative world of Eugenia Evinson, joys and meditations, past and future, reality and a fairy tale are intertwined. The ability to perceive and portray the surrounding reality in a special way, with inspired penetration and lyricism, characterizes the author’s style of the young artist. Impeccable taste and amazing coloristic flair allow Eugenia to play with intense, local colors, achieving an impressive effect. The artist’s joyful, sonorous melodic paintings are full of plastic dynamics. At times, elegiac moods sound in them - notes of tension, anxiety, sadness. The colors either fade and darken, then become covered with a patina, through which a bizarre drawing emerges. The power of plasticity, the contrasts of silhouettes, the dynamic interaction of plans, the indescribable, constantly changing play of color are the unrestrainedness of creative thought, giving space for the audience’s imagination.
Freely navigating the storerooms of the history of art, in his own work Eugene Evinzon prefers his own holistic worldview. Expanding the traditional boundaries of painting gives her the opportunity to compare the images of many eras, rise above time, and go on to create a new universal poetics. It is the author’s original perception of everyday reality that fills her work with deep content and gives an atmosphere of confidential dialogue between the artist and the viewer.
Epishin A.S., Ph.D. in Art History, member of the Union of Artists of Russia, member of AIS (Association of Art Critics).
The exhibition runs until December 4th.
- The exhibition as part of the exhibition project "We Remember Your Names. Creativity of the Oldest Artists of the Kaluga Territory": N. N. Yaskov. Painting
- The action "Two in one museum" starts in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts
- Exhibition "Picturesque Depth". Yu.A. Epishin (1937-2007) and A.M. Volkov (1947-1980). Painting