Exhibition "Once Again About Love"
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с 2 Марта
по 30 АпреляСанкт-Петербургская государственная Театральная библиотека
ул. Зодчего Росси, д. 2
From March 2 to April 30, 2020, an exhibition for the anniversary of the director Grigory Kozlov "Once Again About Love" will be opened at the St. Petersburg State Theater Library.
Grigory Kozlov’s theater - about love. About a man who throws all the forces of his boundless soul into the struggle between good and evil. Therefore, even after performances with a tragic history, you leave the theater with a sense of hope, light.
Grigory Kozlov’s Theater - about each of us. And no matter what century we live in - XVII or XXI. The heroes of his performances solve the main issues, suffer, love and hate, argue and quarrel. It is important that they are not invented, not cardboard, but alive.
Grigory Mikhailovich Kozlov was born on March 6, 1955 in Leningrad. He received his first higher education at the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute, worked as an engineer. In 1989 he graduated from the Department of Puppet Theater of the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography named after N.K. Cherkasov (LGITMiK) with a degree in “Director of Puppet Theater” (workshop of N.P. Naumov).
The first independent work of Grigory Kozlov was the solo performance by Alexei Devotchenko “Sasha Cherny Concert for Piano and Artist”, staged in 1990. This creative duet, which arose in the institute years, continued for many years, as a result, another solo performance appeared - “The Provincial’s Diary in St. Petersburg”, as well as the performances “PS bandmaster Johannes Kreisler, its author and their beloved Julia”, “Forest”, “ Little tragedies. " The play “Moscow. Prayer for the Chalice ”based on the play by L. M. Timofeev, staged in 1992, St. Petersburg criticism recognized as the best production of the season and the best directorial debut. In 1994, a play based on the novel by F. M. Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment, which brought the director wide popularity, was released at the A. Bryantsev Youth Theater.
The performances of Grigory Kozlov are on the stages of the theaters of St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg, Magnitogorsk, among them awarded the State Prize “PS” at the Alexandrinsky Theater (1998) and “Forest” at the Theater on Liteiny (1999).
From 2002 to 2007, Grigory Kozlov headed the Youth Theater named after A. A. Bryantsev, where he put “Easy Breath” and “Dark Alleys” according to the stories of I. A. Bunin, “Captain’s Daughter” according to the story by A. S. Pushkin and “ Poor people ”, based on the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky.
Five years after graduating from the Theater Institute, in 1994, Grigory Kozlov began teaching at the Russian State Institute of Performing Arts (RGISI, formerly SPbGATI, LGITMiK); in 1996, he headed his own workshop, from which four generations of domestic artists and directors have already left for independent swimming. Among them are directors G. Byzgu, R. Gabria, E. Gorokhovskaya, D. Egorov, N. Lapina and others, actors S. Agafonov, S. Bezrukov, A. Vedernikov, P. Vorobyov, A. Mareeva, A. Momot, E. Perevalov, O. Khoreva, E. Shumeyko and many others. Now the fifth, directorial, generation of his students is growing up.
In 2010, Grigory Kozlov, together with his graduates of different years, ascended to a new creative stage - the Workshop Theater was opened in St. Petersburg. A wonderful team of like-minded people - graduates of the workshop of Grigory Kozlov in St. Petersburg State Technical University / RGISI and his long-time associates gathered there. Over the years, the director at the Workshop staged fifteen performances, including The Eldest Son, Quiet Flows the Don, Live and Remember, The Brothers Karamazov, Duck Hunt and others.
Grigory Kozlov is the owner of various state awards and prizes of the professional community. This is the State Prize of the Russian Federation, the Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", II degree, the International Prize of Konstantin Stanislavsky in the nomination "Pedagogy", the Prize named after A. Yu. Tolubeev. He is a laureate of all-Russian and international theater festivals: “Baltic House”, “Christmas Parade”, “Monocle”, “Director’s Lessons” and others.
On the birthday of Grigory Kozlov, the St. Petersburg State Theater Library has prepared an exhibition dedicated to his work. The exhibition demonstrates sketches of theater artists from the library, as well as materials provided by St. Petersburg theaters: Theater for Young People named after A. A. Bryantsev, Alexandrinsky Theater, Theater on Liteiny and Theater "Workshop".
Free admission.
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