Exhibition "The Age of Toys"
Automatic translate
с 1 Октября
по 20 НоябряУсадьба В.П. Сукачева
ул. Декабрьских Событий, 112
On October 1, the International Exhibition of Teddy Dolls and Teddy Bears "The Age of Toys" starts working in the V.P.Sukachev Estate (December Events Street, 112). The exposition includes more than 200 works by 36 masters from different regions of our country, as well as authors from Belarus. Textiles, papier-mâché, hinged and molded - there are many materials and techniques, but each author’s doll or collectible toy is presented in a single copy.
The teddy bear is one of the most popular and cult types of soft toys in the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. In Western Europe and America, he is known mainly under the name "Teddy bear" (Teddybär in German), traditionally associated with the name of US President Theodore Roosevelt. In the Russian language the name "teddy bear" has become established, although now not all toy bears of this type are made of plush. Teddy bears from various European and American companies of the early 20th century (produced before World War II) are a popular collectible. The community of collectors and craftsmen of soft toys all over the world and in our country is huge. For example, in the Irkutsk region there is a whole club called Baikalteddys, uniting craftsmen from Irkutsk, Angarsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Bratsk, Usolye-Sibirskoye, as well as the village of Osa. Their work can also be seen on display.
The exhibition "The Age of Toys" demonstrates the history of toys to Irkutsk residents and guests of the city, shows modern children what their parents played, introduces the masters and their works and is able to surprise with how diverse creativity is. The exposition will be open at the V.P.Sukachev Estate (112 December Events Street) until November 20.
IMPORTANT! Visiting the museum is possible only by appointment by phone: 8 (3952) 53-12-24. In connection with the current recommendations of the Ministry of Culture and Archives of the Irkutsk Region, mass events are prohibited in the museum: viewing the expositions is possible in small groups, observing a social distance. The Sukachev Estate Park is still closed to the public! The museum has a mask mode.
Working hours of the V.P.Sukachev Estate: from Tuesday to Sunday - from 10.00 to 18.00, on Thursdays - from 12.00 to 20.00. Day off: Monday. Ticket price: from 50 to 150 rubles, depending on the category of visitors. Telephone for inquiries and booking excursions: 53-12-24.
- Concert dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Leonid Utesov
- Exhibition "Bear, Bunny and War" at the St. Petersburg Museum of Toys
- Children’s master class at the exhibition "Bear Stories"
- “Crooked House” by Agatha Christie
- The animated series "Mi-bears" and "Leo and Teague" will see the whole world
- “Hole In My Life” by Jack Gantos