Exhibition "Andy Warhol. Graphics"
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с 16 Мая
по 30 ИюляКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 104
May 16 at 16:00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts will open the exhibition "Andy Warhol. Graphic arts".
Andy Warhol is a legendary man who turned contemporary art upside down. He put his work on the production line, turning it into a consumer product. Thanks to his innovative ideas, Andy managed to become a cult person in the history of pop art and one of the most unusual personalities in art!
Andrew Warhol - this is the real name of the artist, born August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA). A rare disease - the Sydenham chorea suffered by a future artist as a child, confined him to bed for a long time, tearing him from communication with peers and the usual life of an ordinary child. Spending days alone, Andy became interested in drawing and creating collages from magazine clippings. As the artist himself later admitted, this difficult period in his life strongly predetermined both his subsequent creative path and the character of his personality. The boy dreamed of becoming rich and famous! Time will pass, and a former student at the Carnegie Institute of Technology, hoping to make a career as a commercial illustrator, will move to New York, where he begins to work as a window dresser, draw postcards and advertising posters. By 1950, after successful advertising for the shoe company “I. Miller ”, success comes to the artist. As a result of an accidental typo of one of the magazines, a name appeared - Andy Warhol. During his truly vibrant creative career, Andy managed to create many high-profile works, including: a series of portraits of celebrities (M. Monroe, E. Taylor, E. Presley and many others); Campbell series of cans of Campbell soup; the series “Green Coca-Cola Bottles,” which became Warhol’s “calling card”). The display of works at the exhibition in the Stabl Gallery caused a great resonance among the public. Although, according to critics, these paintings reflected the facelessness and vulgarity of the culture of mass consumption, the mentality of Western civilization. After this exhibition, Warhol was reckoned among representatives of pop art and conceptual art, such as Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Jones and Roy Lichtenstein.
The exhibition presents works created in the 1980s, including portraits of M. Monroe, L. Beethoven, V. Lenin. And also, works from the famous cycle "Animals in Make-up", created by the artist in 1983 at the request of friends - defenders of wild animals Ronald and Freida Feldman. The purpose of creating 10 vivid portraits of animals was to attract people’s attention to these rare, endangered species, among which were: Bald Eagle; Giant panda; Grevy’s Zebra; Snow ram; Orangutan and others. It should be noted that the topic of environmental protection is still relevant today, given the fact that 2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology.
In addition to the bright works of the well-known E. Warhol, the exhibition presents the work of another representative of pop art - Roy Lichtenstein. The American artist is widely known for his works in the style of a fixed pattern based on comics, cartoons and magazine graphics. In his work, Roy made extensive use of industrial printing technologies: silk-screen printing and screen printing. In addition to pop art, Liechtenstein was also attracted to expressionism, cubism and abstract art. The artist entered the history of world art as a master, several times drastically changing the manner of writing and the aesthetic program.
Exhibition "E. Warhol. Graphics "works from May 16 to July 30, 2017 at the address: st. Lenin, 104. The museum is open from 10.00 to 18.00, on Saturday from 11.00 to 19.00. Monday is the day off. The last Friday of the month is a sanitary day.
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