Exhibition of Christmas tree decorations "Under the Circus Dome"
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с 7 Декабря
по 12 ЯнваряУсадьба В.П. Сукачева
ул. Декабрьских Событий, 112
On December 7, the exhibition of Soviet Christmas-tree decorations “Under the Circus Dome” begins in the Estate of V.P. Sukachev (112 December Events Street). The exposition contains over 350 rare exhibits, some of which were created in the late 30s of the last century. The theme of the exhibition is dedicated to the anniversary - the 100th anniversary of the domestic circus, celebrated this year.
The exposition is formed from the private collection of Olesya Bobrovskaya, who has been collecting Christmas toys since childhood and for the first time decided to show them to the general public. “When a person grows up, he has almost no things left around him in childhood. Little can serve both children and adults. And one of the exceptions is a Christmas tree toy, it always stays with us, and looking at it, you recall childhood, when it was especially favorite pastime to find a place for each toy on the New Year tree, ”the collector shares his thoughts. In the collection of Olesya Bobrovskaya several thousand Christmas tree decorations, a significant part of which is devoted to circus art. The first Christmas tree toys depicting circus artists and animals appeared after the release of the movie “Circus” with Lyubov Orlova in 1936, after which the theme of the circus for many years was inextricably linked with the New Year’s toy.
The exhibition “Under the Dome of the Circus” will work in the Estate of V.P. Sukachev (112 December Events Street) from December 7 to January 12.
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