Exhibition "Ladovsky Experiment"
Automatic translate
с 20 Сентября
по 5 НоябряГалерея “На Шаболовке”
Серпуховский Вал, 24, корпус 2
In the gallery "On Shabolovka" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" opens the exhibition "Experiment Ladovsky." The exhibition is dedicated to the psychoanalytic laboratory of VKhUTEIN, created by the architect and rationalist leader Nikolai Ladovsky. Especially for the exhibition, optical instruments developed by Ladovsky for testing “spatial giftedness” of students were reconstructed for the first time: liglazometer, ploglazometr, oglazometr, uglazometr and prostometr. Along with the reconstruction of the famous “black room” with tools, the exhibition will feature graphics, photographs and mock-ups of training assignments in the discipline “Space”, which were carried out in the VKHUTEMAS-VKHUTEIN in the 1920s.
This training system and rationalist concepts are directly related to the On Shabolovka gallery: the Havsko-Shabolovsky housing estate, in the center of which there is a hall, is the only architectural complex implemented by the ASNOVA brigade, the Association of Modern Architects led by Ladovsky. Nikolai Aleksandrovich Ladovsky (1881 – 1941) - Soviet architect, creative leader of rationalism, teacher. The creator of ASNOVA (1923) and the Association of Urban Architects (AGU) (1928). In 1920, Ladovsky headed the workshop at VKHUTEMAS, where he presented innovative principles for teaching future architects: studying the features of perception of form and space by a person, prototyping as the main design method. According to the system of Ladovsky and his associates, students of the Moscow Architectural Institute are still being trained.
An exhibition of work models on the theme “Identification and expression of mass and weight” in the discipline “Space” in the audience of the main department. VKHUTEIN. 1927 – 1928 Photo 11.5x16.5 cm. Collection of the MARCH Museum
Vyacheslav Vladimirov. Workshop of Nikolai Ladovsky Elevator. Production task for the identification and expression of forms in the discipline "Space". VKHUTEMAS. 1922 Paper, pencil, ink, whitewash, watercolor 43.5x57 cm Collection of the MARCH Museum
Ivan Lamtsov. Workshop of Nikolai Ladovsky Residential communal city block. Building plot Khamovnichesky district of Moscow. Club-dining room. Graduation project. VKHUTEMAS. 1926 Photo 8.5 × 8.5 cm Collection of the MARCH Museum
Dates: September 20 - November 5, 2017
Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday, 11:00 - 20:00
Cost: 100 rubles (50 rubles - preferential)
Educational program for the exhibition:
September 26, 19:30
Lecture "Bauhaus and VKhUTEMAS: a revolution in art education."
Lecturer: art critic Daria Sorokina
September 29, October 6, 18:00
Master class on ceramics "About space"
Presenter: Ceramic artist Daria Neretina