Exhibition of decorative painting "Female look is the color of joy" by Tatyana Strezhbetskoy
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с 14 Октября
по 18 НоябряТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
From the 14th of October (Sat) to the 18th of November (Thu), Tatiana Strezhbetskoy’s painting exhibition will be held in the Artmuz creative cluster at the Artist’s Workshop Gallery
Tatyana Strezhbetskaya is an author who has seriously declared himself in the art world. The monumental workshop of academician A. Mylnikov opened new themes and scales for her not only in painting, but also in the sharpness of the perception of composition. Studying the tasks of each of her future work, Tatyana repeatedly studies the historical realities, the history of the costume and all the thematic information that can only be reached.
The exhibition “Women’s look is the color of joy” is only one of the facets of Tatyana Strezhbetskaya’s talent. The theme of a strong and happy woman is the main one in her work.
The artist Tatyana Strezhbetskaya says so about her paintings:
“I am trying to create a joyful, bright and bright world, as if looking at it and feeling everything around me, all the colors of the universe, the soul and eyes of the characters of my paintings. I kind of dissolve in the heroines of my paintings, try to perceive and convey the world through their eyes, through their emotions and perceptions. Be it Ancient Russia or the Illyrian kingdom, the Roman Empire or the Venetian Republic. Wherever I am, I plunge into the environment and begin to live in the time I write. ”
the entrance is free
Opening hours from 10:00 to 22:00
Age restrictions: 14+
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