Exhibition "Give women flowers"
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с 1 по 28 Февраля
Центральный Дом журналиста
Никитский бульвар д.8а
There is frost and snowdrifts on the street, and the soul is already asking for a warm sun and spring. For those who are ready to let spring into their hearts, the MIG Creative Association, with the support of the Union of Artists of the Moscow Region, from February 1 to 28, conducts a SOLAR EXHIBITION “GIVE FLOWERS TO WOMEN” in the CENTRAL HOUSE of the JOURNALIST. As the first snowdrops appear in February, so we decided to give the first breath of spring in the last winter month.
The exhibition exposition is unique - it presents paintings depicting flowers and female images. Thanks to our artists, you no longer depend on the vagaries of the weather and choose your spring mood yourself.
Visitors to the exhibition will be able to discover many new names - in addition to the masters you have already loved, we invited beginners, but very talented artists, to participate. For some of them, the exhibition will be the first step to future creative success.
Our artists came from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Peterhof, Perm and Ulyanovsk, Krasnodar, Neftegorsk, Chelyabinsk and other cities.
The exhibition “Give women flowers” is also the OPENING OF THE SEASON OF THE PROJECT “PEACE AND HARMONY” in 2017. We promise you this year a lot of interesting, memorable and creative.
Since there are a lot of exhibits, the exhibition is held in two stages, with a variable exposure.
VENUE OF THE EXHIBITION: Central House of Journalists (Moscow, Nikitsky Boulevard, 8a, metro Arbatskaya).
WORK TIME: from 10.00 to 19.00
TO MIG vk.com/mig_15 unites several hundred talented painters living in all corners of Russia and in other countries of the near and far abroad. He is the organizer of numerous exhibitions, vernissages, workshops, outdoor plein airs, art meetings, charity events and events.
The exhibition will traditionally host the charity event "Good Pictures" in support of orphans near Moscow boarding school http://school-internat.my1.ru/.
- Art meeting "On Kashirka"
- Exhibition "Picturesque Carnival"
- International Exhibition of Painting and Graphics "Cruise Around the World"
- Exhibition "Reading a painting, like a book"
- Art painting of furniture
- Internet-shop of paintings "Pigmentum"