Exhibition "Earth Flowers. Beauty and Awareness"
Automatic translate
с 13 по 31 Мая
Московский Дом Национальностей
ул. Новая Басманная, 4, стр. 1

The theme of the exhibition, on the one hand, is natural, simple and understandable, on the other hand, it is deep and requires understanding. Every person living on planet Earth today thinks about tomorrow. The artist, in turn, not only reflects, but also realizes his mission, his mission. It is the artist who can preserve for future generations all the beauty of the Earth that he sees. Flowers are beauty.
Flowers in the visual arts is a very special direction. Since ancient times, throughout all ages, artists have sought to capture flowers in their paintings: flowers in still lifes, flowers in landscapes. Each artist is like a magician: he can involuntarily stop time, leaving forever the charm and tenderness of flowers that leaves so quickly, disappears, fading. The contemplation of beauty inspires, gives strength, cleanses the soul.
In his book New Earth, Eckhart Tolle writes: “Gentle fragrant creatures, which we call flowers, play a key role in the evolution of human consciousness. Contemplation of the beauty of a flower can at least briefly awaken people to see that beauty, which is the basis of their own innermost essence, to see their true nature. The first act of recognizing beauty was one of the most significant events in the evolution of human consciousness. The feeling of joy and love has an intrinsic connection with this recognition. We have not even managed to fully understand this yet, and flowers have already become for us a form of expression of what is in ourselves - a form of expression of the most exalted and innermost. ”
Pictures of flowers are always fascinating. “Flowers are free beauty in nature” (I. Kant). They have a special attraction. The flowers of the Earth are beauty and eternity. What is beauty? “Beauty is a symbol of symbols” (Oscar Wilde), and as F. M. Dostoevsky wrote, “Beauty will save the world.” And the awareness of beauty reveals unlimited possibilities for each of us.
The purpose of the exhibition is to use the language of fine art to talk with the audience not only about the beauty of flowers, but also about the beauty of our planet Earth, about the beauty of nature, about the human inner world, about relationships and, of course, about love.
Exhibition “Flowers of the Earth. Beauty and awareness ”- collective.
The exhibitors are Russian and Tatar artists, recognized masters (folk and honored artists, members of the Russian Academy of Arts) and young artists who are just beginning their journey in art. Each artist has his own vision of the theme, his own style, his own picturesque style. The exposition will appeal to every visitor; It will be interesting for professionals, collectors and art lovers.
Curators of the exhibition: Tatyana Fruleva (TSHR) and Nurakhmet Yakubov (Tugan tel).
Exhibition opening hours:
Monday-thursday: from 10-00 to 19-00
Friday: from 10-00 to 17-00
Saturday, Sunday - days off
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