Exhibition "Reading a painting, like a book"
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с 1 по 30 Октября
Центральный Дом журналиста
Никитский бульвар д.8а
From October 1 to 30, the Central House of Journalists “DOMJUR” will host the exhibition “Reading a painting like a book”, organized by the Creative Union “MIG” ¸ with the support of the Union of Artists of the Moscow Region.
Artists and writers see and perceive the world in different ways, reflecting the environment in their work and stopping the moments of life. And yet, there is a common, and the picture, if desired, can be read like a book: a short realistic story, a lyrical sketch, a poetic poem and even a fascinating novel. The organizers of the exhibition “Reading painting, like a book” offer a new look at painting and art in general, discovering a new reading of contemporary works of art.
The venue of the exhibition is symbolic - the legendary Central House of Journalists in the heart of the Capital, on the Arbat, which is a favorite meeting place for creative people.
The exposition will be held in two stages: from October 1 to October 15 and from October 16 to 30. Artists from Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Neftegorsk, Chelyabinsk, Izhevsk will present their works…. Before the exhibition, the works submitted by the artists passed a thorough competitive selection, so that visitors can see only the best works of modern painting and graphics.
The exhibition will traditionally host the charity event “Good Pictures” in support of orphans in the Moscow Region boarding school.
Venue: Central House of Journalists (Nikitsky Boulevard d. 8a).
Opening hours from 10.00 to 19.00
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