Exhibition "Black and White Investigation" 6+
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с 17 Декабря
по 3 АпреляПермская государственная художественная галерея
Комсомольский проспект, 4

The Perm Art Gallery and PJSC Metafrax Chemicals continue to implement the joint educational project "Chemistry of Art", addressed to children. Within the framework of the project, the exhibitions "Chemistry of Art" and "Inside a Picture" dedicated to painting, as well as "Unearthly Beauty", which tells about Christian art, have already been held. This time, children are encouraged to master the art of graphic arts.
Exhibition "Black and White Investigation" is an interactive exhibition dedicated to printed graphics. The exposition will acquaint with the variety of types, artistic features and technology of printed graphics, as well as the inner "kitchen" of the artist. While exploring the exhibition, young viewers can take part in a fun game and feel like detectives. This will help the girl Anya - a drawn character with whom you can conduct a real museum investigation. To do this, you will need to carefully follow Anya’s advice and tips. Who knows, maybe together we will be able to make a real discovery for the museum!
At the exhibition, viewers will see genuine works of printed graphics of the 16th - 20th centuries from the funds of the Perm Gallery. Among them are works by European and Russian artists Jacques Callot, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Ivan Shishkin, Valentin Serov, Vasily Mate, as well as works by recognized masters of the Soviet period: Vladimir Favorsky, Arkady Kolchanov, Alexei Kravchenko, Yuri Charushin, Evgeny Vasnetsov and Alexander Zyryanov.
“The ideology of the project coincides with the philosophy of the Metafrax Group brand - the foundation of the future. Of course, the future is children. How our society will develop depends on their mental and cultural development, ”says Maria Konovalova, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Metafrax Chemicals. “Together with our partners in the fourth part of the project, we will continue to immerse the child in the“ looking glass ”of the creative process, helping him to make art his interlocutor. Now with colleagues from the gallery we are considering projects for the next anniversary year for the gallery ”.
The exhibition curators will prepare an extensive educational program for children and adults. Participants in excursions and master classes will be able to get acquainted with various printing techniques and create their own graphic works.
The exhibition will be available to viewers from December 17, 2021 to April 3, 2022. In the spring-summer of 2022, the exhibition will be shown at the local history museum of the city of Gubakha.
Curatorial group: Evgenia Naymushina, Ksenia Zubakina;
Illustrations: Anna Krasnoshchekova, Artem Kutergin;
Design: Evgeniya Naymushina, Artem Kutergin;
Development and installation of exhibition equipment - Anton Ovchinnikov
About the project "Chemistry of Art"
Artistic and educational project "Chemistry of Art" is a series of children’s interactive exhibitions dedicated to the close connection between art and science. The project introduces genuine museum works of different centuries, technologies for the creation and restoration of paintings, sculptures, icons and other types of art, and is designed to help children gain new knowledge.
Completed exhibitions of the "Chemistry of Art" project:
1. The traveling exhibition "Chemistry of Art" (February 2019 - December 2021) tells children why artists "chemistry" throughout history - from primitive times to the present, what paints are made of, why does a restorer need chemistry. The connection between art and science is shown by the example of painting techniques, the knowledge and mastery of which is mandatory for every artist.
2. "Inside the Painting" (December 2020 - February 2021) - an interactive travel exhibition dedicated to painting and tells about what is in the artist’s studio, with the help of what materials and tools he creates paintings, how and why in different eras it developed and changed painting.
3. "Unearthly beauty" (May-November 2021). The exhibition is dedicated to works of Christian art and aims to help young visitors understand their complex figurative language. The authors offered the young viewers "keys" and tips for deciphering the plots of the works of icon painting and temple sculpture of the 17th - 19th centuries.
- "Inside the picture"
- Permian painting exhibition "Brothers in different ways"
- A bit of a scary exhibition. Ancient Egypt
- Exhibition "Ural: Images and Myths"