EXHIBITION Excitement of the game. The passion of knowledge
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с 30 Октября
по 13 ДекабряСанкт-Петербургский музей игрушки
Наб. реки Карповки, 32
Lotto, dominoes, quartet… In the middle of the 18th century, these high-profile salon games came to Russia from Western Europe. And after a hundred years, they became a favorite family leisure in autumn and winter evenings.
A good idea to make gaming excitement a conductor of school learning also arose in Europe. Russian children began to comprehend the letter, score, languages, geography with the help of lotto, cubes, cut pictures at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. In the USSR, the status of table-and-printed games as educational, educating collectivism, artistic taste, self-control, and good manners was very high. Even before the war, electric quizzes are added to the classic assortment. Games like "Scrabble" - a sign of the 1970s, and domestic versions of the classic "Monopoly" - "Manager", "Oligarch" - marked the transition to a new state system. Visitors will see all these games in the Exhibition Hall of the Museum of Toys. They will be able to compare domestic publications with foreign counterparts, remember the rules of their favorite games and get acquainted with modern educational games provided for the interactive store GaGaGames.
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