Exhibition "Automatic Soul" at the Museum of Moscow
Automatic translate
с 8 по 31 Июля
Музей Москвы
Зубовский бульвар, 2
On Thursday July 7th, the Electromuseum in Rostokino and the Museum of Moscow open the Automatic Soul exhibition, dedicated to one of the modern directions in the creation of works of art - the method of computer algorithms.
An artist resorting to this method does not create the final work, but programs the machine to generate texts, music, visual images. In some cases, the process is fully automated, in others, the viewer-user has the opportunity to select parameters, using which he becomes a co-author of the work. The exhibition will feature interactive and generative programs, texts, prints, sound works and videos.
“The focus of the“ Automatic Soul ”exhibition is art generators that create figurative images and tonal music, that is, that which sends the viewer as much as possible to basic cultural experience, is associated with“ real art ”and is most comfortable for perception. The exhibition raises a number of issues related to the changing nature of art production in the era of computers and the Internet, and invites viewers to get acquainted with modern automated ways to create works of art. ”
Alexey Shulgin, artist, curator of the exhibition and “Electromuseum in Rostokino”
The exhibition presents a wide range of works created by various kinds of automatic generators: from the first musical art generator invented by Mozart (his "Musical Dice" will be presented in electronic form) to the projects of contemporary artists - pioneer of generative art Harold Cohen, computer pioneer the musical composition of Rudolf Zaripov, as well as Gazira Babeli, the band Electroboutique, the online service Ostagram and others.
Dates: July 8 - July 31
Venue: Moscow Museum, Building 1