Exhibition of Avdeev Alexander
Automatic translate
с 8 по 24 Июня
Одесский литературный музей
ул. Ланжероновская, 2
On June 8, an exhibition of Alexander Avdeev will open at the Literary Museum.
Pictures of Alexander Avdeev - “this is a reflection on the fate of civilizations. The performance of one Man and the performance of all of Humanity. This is an expanded planet, inside of which some kind of action takes place. Each actor is a symbol of something. Here there is happiness, and honesty, and laziness, and everything that a person strives for, and all the passions that possess him, ” - the artist explains the semantic background of his work.
Alexander Avdeev, Surteater "Second Performance". Soul of Humanity
- White Christmas / White Christmas in the Catherine’s meeting 12+
- Personal exhibition of Elena Avdeeva at the Moscow Museum of Folk Graphics
- Strelbitskaya according to Freud
- "Unknown intelligent forces" in the Moscow gallery Stella Art Foundation
Information and visual promotional materials is provided by the event organizer.