Exhibition "AquaPaint". Olga Kamenskaya
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с 9 Декабря
по 22 ЯнваряВсероссийский музей декоративно-прикладного и народного искусства
ул. Делегатская, 3
Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, they are enjoying you, not knowing what you are. This is not to say that you are necessary for life: you are life itself.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
On December 9, the AquaPaint exhibition starts its work at the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art. The exposition will feature photographs from the collection of the famous underwater photographer Olga Kamenskaya - these are images of pure natural water in its most diverse states, in various conditions and geographical locations.
The formula of water is simple - Н₂О, but is the water itself so simple? What caused such intense interest in her? The task of the present is to study and preserve water, the task of the future is to understand iẗ. For a long time, art has become a bridge to understanding water. From the end of the 18th century, Europe was overwhelmed by the era of romanticism. And the element of water was an indispensable artistic way. Throughout the 19th century, the water surface in landscapes was a mirror reflecting the inner world and the state of the author, and a dramatic encounter with the stormy sea waves highlighted and emphasized the scale of the human personality.
In anticipation of social upheaval, the theme of water in art acquired another meaning - mystery and symbol. The underwater world, the flickering reflections of witching lakes were felt as symbolic images of a pipe dream and a ghostly, illusory world. The era was replaced by era and water, as a symbol of purification and the emergence of a new life again flaunted on the canvases of artists…
Today’s sophisticated viewer, being alone with the eternal and always new water element, can see a fashion installation in it, or can look at the spring river through the eyes of Levitan or mix on a palette of colors and touch the canvas with an emerald smear of Aivazovsky. And the child, for the first time knowing the joy of drawing, will still draw blue waves and zigzags of the “sea” on paper, unaware of their ancient origin. After all, the theme of water in art is an eternal theme… Olga Kamenskaya’s water sketches, written with a camera, blur the perception line and open the window to another mysterious world where water will speak to you….
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