Exhibition of Anna Ryadinskaya "Women’s joys"
Automatic translate
с 29 Мая
по 1 ИюляУсадьба В.П. Сукачева
ул. Декабрьских Событий, 112
May 29 in the Estate V.P. Sukachev (112 December Events St.) will open the exhibition of Irkutsk designer and artist Anna Ryadinskaya "Women’s Joy." The exhibition presents paintings and watercolors from the author’s cycles "Femininity", "Kaleidoscope", "Flowers", "Joy." “Sometimes simple things can give us women a smile - a bouquet of flowers, attention and care of a loved one, delicious sweets, an invitation to a dance,” the author explains the name of his exhibition.
Anna Ryadinskaya - interior designer, florist, artist, student of the famous Irkutsk artist Pavel Solomatin. According to her first education, Anna is a biologist, which is probably why there are so many flowers at the exhibition. Later, she graduated from Irkutsk State Technical University with a degree in interior design, but over the years she improved in painting and watercolors. She taught courses in phytodesign and watercolors.
At her personal exhibition “Women’s Joys,” Anna Ryadinskaya presents works from various thematic cycles created in different years. For example, the artist herself characterizes the Kaleidoscope cycle as follows: “It contains all the currents of my inner life. In ancient times, each ornament was endowed with a certain symbolic meaning. Looking at the patterns on the woven carpets, embroideries of our grandmothers, knitted napkins and knowing their meaning, you can hear the call of our ancestors. Each line is woven into a pattern with a certain meaning, it makes its own unique path, like the thoughts of the creator. The line, color, shape and texture can convey the emotional state. In my opinion, this is the main task of the artist. ”
The exposition is complemented by the works of the daughter of the artist Sofia, who, despite her young age, is a participant in many exhibitions and art competitions.
The exhibition “Women’s joys” will open on May 29 at the Estate of V.P. Sukachev (112 December Events Street) and will run until July 1. Entrance to the opening is free. Phone for inquiries: 53-12-24.
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