Exhibition of Anna Ryadinskaya "And there will be a new day ..."
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с 23 Января
по 17 ФевраляУсадьба В.П. Сукачева
ул. Декабрьских Событий, 112
January 23 at V.P. Sukachev (112 December Events Street) will open the exhibition of Irkutsk designer and artist Anna Ryadinskaya “And there will be a new day…”. In the exposition you can see about 50 new works of the author from the cycle “Native Land”, made in different techniques: oil, watercolor, acrylic.
Anna Ryadinskaya - interior designer, florist, artist, student of the famous Irkutsk artist Pavel Solomatin. According to her first education, a biologist, later she graduated from Irkutsk State Technical University with a degree in interior design, but over the years she improved in painting and watercolors, and also taught phytodesign.
“I really like to visit Baikal and Arshan. Nature heals and teaches me, gives me the strength to live and create… She is the most brilliant and skillful artist! How beautiful is our native land! How many magnificent and unique places around! Nature generously shares its riches with people… To consume without giving anything in return, without caring for it - this is a false path for the development of mankind. So let’s appreciate and respect the place where we are when we go on vacation outside the city. For the sake of the future of our descendants, it is necessary to carefully treat our native land, ”says the artist.
The exhibition “Women’s joys” will open on January 23 at V.P. Sukacheva (st. December Events, 112) and will work until February 17. Entrance to the opening is free. Phone for inquiries: 53-12-24.
- About all the things that live there
- Exhibition of Anna Ryadinskaya "Women’s joys"