Exhibition of Alexey Pisarenko
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с 19 Марта
Улица Академика Варги, д. 15
The Academy opened a personal exhibition of student Alexei Pisarenko, representing watercolors and miniatures created by him over the years of training.
In his work, the young artist prefers the genre of urban landscape. In the circle of professional interests - urban planning and the environment, its impact on humans. It takes several years to understand the changes that have taken place in architecture, but Alexey is already striving to realize them through an artistic image.
So, for example, with his works, the artist draws attention to the industrial housing construction that has become the cultural code today, reflecting the whole stage of the country’s development, which was previously not paid attention to. A. Pisarenko also fixes in his works the “departing nature” - architectural monuments preserved in their original form.
Alexey has an important talent for the artist - he is a wonderful storyteller. At the works included in the exhibition, the city appears through the eyes of a Muscovite in love. In these works one can see the artist’s longing for the irrevocably lost native places of Moscow and the annoyance of the once industrial, now abandoned outskirts.
In contrast to the industrial realities of the city (“ZIL. Illustrations for the non-accidental”, “AZLK Workshop”), landscapes and images of cozy old cities (“Essentuki, courtyard”, “Old Ryazan. Long-livers”) painted from nature in the Caucasus are adjoining, where merciless civilization has not left its destructive mark.
And it immediately becomes clear why Alexei, as a native Muscovite, cannot remain indifferent and is happy for the restoration of the historical appearance of his city by taking part in the actions of Arkhnadzor. And he considers it important for himself to work in the Project for the Preservation and Revival of the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Krokhino, which has become the main artistic object in his series of etchings and watercolors.
Alexey’s travel notes are also presented at the exhibition — like “a scattering of precious stones”, sketches created during trips to Russian cities (Kolomna, Tula, Ryazan). They were inspired by the pre-revolutionary postcards of cities, which reflected reality without unnecessary embellishments.
The skill of the young artist is also expressed in the technique of enamel art. These are flower enamels and enamel sketches in St. Petersburg, made by him after meeting with Boris Melov, whose photographs seemed to capture the times of the “Silver Age” and St. Petersburg of Dostoevsky.
Teachers speak of Alexei as a student with a rare talent. In their unanimous opinion, the exhibition is unique in terms of theme and depth of work, a combination of techniques and a love of detail, and A. Pisarenko’s experience and skills make it equally talented to work in graphics, and in easel painting, and in applied art.
For reference: Alexey Pisarenko, who was fond of painting since childhood, graduated from the School of Watercolor in 2007, after which he graduated from the College of Artistic Crafts with a degree in cabinetmaker. He was trained in enamel miniature in the creative company "Sirin".
He is a fourth-year student of the Academy (teachers - O. V. Volokitina and S. A. Kotov), works as an artist and organizes exhibitions in the club of the Main Military Clinical Hospital named after Ak. N. N. Burdenko.
Member of the Mytishchi Artists’ Association and the Moscow city branch of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Monuments of History and Culture (IGO VOOPiK).
Participant in field exhibitions of the School of Watercolors Sergey Andriyaka and the Academy of Watercolors, city and Russian exhibitions.
The artist’s works are in private collections and funds of the Museum of the History of Moscow, the Museum of the Moscow Railway, the Art Gallery of Krasnoarmeysk, the Museum of Military Medicine at the GVKG named after Ak. Burdenko, People’s Museum of the Moscow Metro.
The exhibition will continue its work until April 24 in the exhibition hall of the Academy of Watercolor and Fine Arts (4th floor) at 15 Akademika Varga Street.
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