Exhibition by Alexander Sergeevich Ivanov "Dialogue with nature"
Automatic translate
с 12 Марта
по 4 АпреляКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103

The Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (103 Lenina st., Second floor) has opened the exhibition of Alexander Sergeevich Ivanov "Dialogue with Nature", which is the first within the framework of the exhibition project of the KMII "Art Today. New Faces ”, the purpose of which is to acquaint the Kaluga audience with the work of new, young, talented artists.
Alexander Ivanov was born on September 24, 1989 in the city of Tarusa, Kaluga Region. In 2001-2005 he studied in the studio of fine arts at the Tarusa House of Youth Creativity (headed by a member of the Union of Artists of Russia N.G. Gurin). In 2011, he completed his studies at the Kaluga School of Culture and Arts at the painting department (teacher - member of the Union of Artists of Russia S.N.Zolotarev). Currently, Alexander teaches at the Children’s Art School in the city of Tarusa. His works are in private collections in Russia and abroad.
The exhibition "Dialogue with Nature" demonstrates the creative path of a young talented landscape painter, whose works express deep love for his native land. Tarusa became a real muse for Alexander, inspiring him and encouraging him to take up brushes and paints again and again. Here there is a winter forest, a riot of colors of autumn motives, bright green summer, sunny spring, cloudy landscapes with a slight touch of melancholy. Among other things, Alexander has established himself as a talented teacher. For him, teaching is a school for improving professional skills, and each student is a motivation for further development. He does not set himself the task of making all his students artists, but he has another important goal - to instill in them a love of painting and art.
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