Exhibition of Alexander Korepanov "Ural character"
Automatic translate
с 14 по 25 Марта
Дом кино
ул. Луначарского, д.137
Alexander Korepanov was born and raised in Yekaterinburg. After leaving school, he left for St. Petersburg, where he studied as a rocket engineer at the BSTU "Voenmekh", then returned to his native land and, despite the fact that he began to work in his specialty, he became seriously interested in oil painting, realizing an old dream.
By 2018, for the first time, he collected a good series of genre paintings that reveal the image of the Russian village. Some of the works sunk into the soul of the viewer, which became the most serious incentive to further develop in painting. In the future, Alexander plans to reveal exactly this direction: the Russian village, the plot, the Ural landscape.
Currently, at least every month, Alexander goes to the open air. Some of the work you can see here. Many have already resonated with the viewer and are in their private collections in Russia and abroad.
This is the third personal exhibition of Alexander and for the first time it takes place in Yekaterinburg. The previous ones were in Pervouralsk and Polevskoy.
- Exhibition Korepanov A.S. "Ural landscape"
- Exhibition by Alexander Korepanov "Tomorrow will be a new day"
- Gennady Agafonov – Fragmentary information