Exhibition of Alexander Deinek "The contours of the global era"
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с 14 Сентября
по 13 НоябряГосударственный музей архитектуры имени А.В. Щусева
ул. Воздвиженка, д.5/25
State Museum of Architecture A.V. Shchuseva and the Moscow gallery Dialog present an exhibition of the contours of the global era by the outstanding Soviet artist Alexander Deineka.
Alexander Deineka is rightfully considered one of the founders of the great Soviet style in painting, better known as socialist realism. Often, interest in the artist’s work was limited to easel works, while his skill as a draftsman remained in the shadow for a long time.
The Contours of the Global Era exhibition shows a little-known part of Alexander Alexandrovich’s creative heritage, which allows you to better understand the scope of the talent of an artist who has become a symbol of his era. Deineka’s graphics present a rare and invaluable material that allows you to trace the creative evolution of the author and enables the viewer to see the exciting process of fixing his artistic experiences.
The artist’s graphics are diverse, but it is from these not always defined, finished, precisely directed lines that the contours of future monumental works are created, which have become an art study, art report and author’s assessment of a number of historical events (industrialization in the Donbass, the rapid development of sports, The Great Patriotic War).
The exhibition will show all sides of Deineka-graphic: from samples of drawings of the author’s early work, starting from the first childhood experiments, up to student sketches and experiments of the artist in the field of engraving. Visitors to the exhibition will have a unique opportunity to see sketches and sketches for the famous paintings of Deineka, which is equivalent to being in the workshop during the creation of the canvas. Moreover, the works presented at the exhibition are part of the artist’s family archive, which in turn was partially published in a number of studies and has never been presented in such a volume and with such a complete overview of the author’s entire creative career.
The basis of the exposition is the author’s works from the Dialogue gallery collection, as well as works by Deineka from the state funds of the State Tretyakov Gallery and the State Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin.
Elizaveta Likhacheva, Director of the A.V. State Museum of Architecture Schuseva: “Alexander Deineka is a great Russian artist. The ability to see the graphics of such a master is absolutely unique, because usually this material is not available due to the nature of storage. I am very glad that the Museum of Architecture will show this part of Deineka’s creative heritage - not just a great artist, but also a representative of the Russian school of monumental painting. An artist who translated traditional forms into a new artistic language ”
Mikhail Prozorov, director of the Dialogue gallery, curator of the exhibition: “Together with the State Museum of Architecture named after A.V. Shchusev we offer to look at the artist’s work from a completely new angle. Acquaintance with the graphics of Alexander Deineka, unusually chamber and lyrical, in the museum space makes even a trained spectator stop, think and dive deeper into the artist’s rich world of ideas and penetrate the philosophy of his art. The effect of such works goes far beyond the aesthetic impact, shifting emphasis from the result of creativity, and rushing into the depths of the process of creating a masterpiece and fixing the artist’s artistic experiences. The exhibition reveals to Deineka in a new way, outside the context of monumentality, but as an attentive observing artist. ”
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