Exhibition of Albina Voronkova and Taras Pogorely. Harmony and disharmony of family traditions
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с 14 по 24 Января
Галерея “А3”
Староконюшенный переулок, 39
The first exhibition of the “Gallery A3” in 2016, opens immediately after the onset of the Old New Year - one of the most “family” holidays. He refers the viewer to the problems of family history, and this is certainly more than just a coincidence. Summing up the past, planning for the future, we usually do in a circle of close people - those with whom we have the closest relationships, in relation to which we experience the most intense experiences.
The exhibition of Albina Voronkova and Taras Pogorely discloses the stories of the intertwining traditions of the artistic family, not so much as a blessed holy story, but as a phantasmagoric story, an absurdist theater. It mixes epochs, genres and styles, impossibly combines materials - from painting, drawing and classical tapestry to assemblies of high-tech garbage and installations with objects of rural life. Presenting the extraordinary story of their family, artists inevitably become witnesses to our common time, offering to experience a sense of shared historical involvement.
Albina Voronkova - Honored Artist of Russia, member of Moscow Artists Union, honorary member of the Russian Academy of Music and Fine Arts, member of the international cultural association Soggiorni di Lettura, Castello di Galeazza. (Italy). Born in Moscow in 1937, from 1955 she studied painting with Ekaterina Grigorieva. In 1961 she graduated from the Moscow Textile Institute, Department of Applied Arts. Since the beginning of the 60s he has been working as an artist and designer. The author of monumental tapestries, curtains. Her work has repeatedly won prizes and diplomas of the Moscow Union of Artists and Artists. The works are in museums and private collections in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, USA, France, Canada, Austria, Mexico, Denmark, Italy, Germany.
Taras Pogorely - graduated from the Moscow State Art School named after Stroganova, Department of Interior and Equipment, (1998); member of the Moscow Union of Artists. Works in the field of collage, assembly, installation; possesses deep knowledge and sense of material, creating sharp and expressive images.
The exhibition runs from January 14, 2016 to January 24, 2016.
The gallery is open daily, except Mondays from 11.00 to 21.00
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