Exhibition "Address:
Moscow, Russia. Exhibition-quest"
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с 27 Января
по 26 ФевраляГалерея “Нагорная”
ул. Ремизова, 10
January 28 in the gallery "Nagornaya" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" opens the exhibition "ADDRESS: MOSCOW, RUSSIA. EXHIBITION-QUEST ”, representing, on the one hand, the myths and legends of Russia, expressed in the experimental - original performance of a young artist - Daria Vorobieva. On the other hand, walks around Moscow and the expanses of our country in the impressionistic vision of Nina Panyukova and the traditional realistic style of Alexander Panyukov - artists of the older generation.
If you ever wondered how families live, where there are two generations of creative people… then this exhibition will give an answer to these and many other questions! As a rule, everyone sees and notices only the difference of generations, the influence of time, technology. But the artistic dynasty "Panyukov-Vorobyeva" changes stereotypes. They not only complement each other with their vision of the world, but also stylistically reveal the variety of recognized techniques, both traditional and newly emerging. The exhibition will allow you to look inside the whole process of creativity and get to know each author separately and as a whole.
A series of works by Daria Vorobieva is devoted to the types of roofs in Russia, thanks to which the viewer will have the opportunity to escape from the classical presentation of photographers, and immerse themselves in a romantic and fabulous vision of our modern cities. In these paintings periodically there will be a "Carlson", which tells of the legends and myths of the peoples of Russia. In parallel with this, everyone can enjoy the freshness of Nina Panyukova’s flowers and feel nostalgia for old Moscow, as well as test their knowledge about the history and origin of the names of Moscow streets. Pictures of Alexander Panyukov will allow you to feel the greatness of our Russian open spaces, walk along the Boulevard Ring, mentally sit on a bench in wonderful parks, imagine the murmur of the waterfall.
Alexander Panyukov: “… Understanding is accompanied by a special creative state - this is concreteness, modesty in the interpretation of the plot, naivety, clarity, and non-secularism. There can be no lie, even the elusive human eye. No lies, no pretense, no external effect, no arbitrariness in expressive means. ”
Alexander Panyukov. Crisp snow
Alexander Panyukov. First tram
“We set ourselves the task of combining shapes and colors that are very distant from each other, preserving the quality of color, and thus create a constructive, but already spatial, image…” says Nina Panyukova.
Panyukova Nina. Here comes winter
Panyukova Nina. It will be windy tomorrow
Daria Vorobieva, artist: “For me, creativity is the absolute expression of my own self, my impressions of the world that surrounds me every day… the opportunity to go beyond the borders, experiment and achieve maximum color, shape and mood in every new painting.”
Daria Vorobieva. Rooftops of venice
Under some pictures in the exposition there will be riddles that you can guess and find out the answers to questions in the quest format. In addition, an eventful event program will be held as part of the exhibition.
February 2, 19.00 (6+). Creative meeting with artists with elements of discussion, exhibition display, with immersion and an attempt to understand the essence of what is happening on the canvas from the original idea to creating the picture and image.
February 16, 2017, 19.00 (12+). Master class “Artistic technologies. The basics. Practice ". Artists will not only tell, but also show how a novice artist to apply classical technologies in the use of traditional and modern materials.
From February 7 to 12, together with the charity meow-boutique, the CHARITY ACTION "Every cat has a good palm." Within the framework of the action, all the funds raised from the sale of paintings depicting seals presented at the exhibition will go to the boutique’s assistance fund. The cost of such paintings is from 1000 to 5000 rubles. (http://www.pret-a-kote.ru/)
February 26, 12.00, 18.00
Curator tour of the exhibition.
About the participants:
Alexander and Nina Pankov - Artists graduated in 1982, Moscow Art School at the Institute. V.I. Surikova. Graduates of the Moscow Higher Industrial School of Arts (former Stroganovskoye) Since 1990, members of the Creative Union of Russian Artists. Active participants in international and Russian personal and group exhibitions of paintings, both in Russia and abroad. Their works are in many private collections in Russia and other countries.
Daria Vorobyova was born in 1988 in the city of Moscow and from an early age showed a craving for drawing and for art. In 2000 she entered the MAHL RAX. In 2012 she graduated from the Institute of Moscow Art Theater named after Surikov, the monumental workshop of E. N. Maximov. Since that year, he has been a member of the Creative Union of Russian Artists and an active participant in international and Russian art exhibitions.
The exhibition will open on January 28.
Gallery "Nagornaya" - one of the famous modern exhibition venues in the capital, the first state gallery in Moscow (started its work in 1978) www.galereya-nagornaya.ru
The Moscow Exhibition Halls Association is a state organization uniting various exhibition venues in a single modern urban space for the development of visual culture and educational activities among residents and guests of the capital www.vzmoscow.ru
Opening Date: January 28, 2016
Dates: January 27, 2016 - February 26, 2017
Opening hours: Tue - Sun 11.00 – 20.00
Cost: 100 r. (50 p. - discount ticket)
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