Exhibition "Subscriber Out of Network Area. 25 Years"
Automatic translate
с 5 по 30 Сентября
Галерея Файн Арт
4-ый Сыромятнический переулок, д.1/8С9, Центр современного искусства ВИНЗАВОД
Fine Art Gallery is honored to invite you to the exhibition “Subscriber Out of Network Area. 25 years ”, which will be held at the NEW ADDRESS of the gallery: WINZAVOD Center for Contemporary Art, 4th Syromyatnichesky Lane.
This project is dedicated to the anniversary of the Fine Art Gallery - the 25th anniversary. All this time, the gallery worked separately at first on the Arbat, and then on Bolshaya Sadovaya. For the first time we present our project in a new space - at the Winery, where we have to work further.
We live in an era of triumph of electronics and communications. This is the environment of our everyday life. The Internet has become our place for walking, in which we run the risk of getting lost as if in a forest, and the information from the network is our air, which we breathe, the clouds in which we hang. Modern it-technologies disconnect us. We do not see the world, replacing communication between ourselves and the world with a mean data transfer. Now the term "Fabing" has appeared, which means an expression of disrespect when staring at the smartphone screen while talking with someone. This is how the characters of I. Korshunov’s paintings behave. Characters of A. Kuznetsova-Ruf’s work, immersed in a computer, selfi or telephone conversation, let important things through, “miracles of the world” go away like sand through fingers. Information forests of social networks have replaced the world in its sensuality.
The works of P. Polyansky are written in the genre of comics and are stories in which the real world is contrasted with the world of fantasies, dreams, dreams of heroes, in which they are completely immersed. Modern man organically lives in two realities - virtual and real life.
In the works of T. Smirnov, the pencil is the central object, he is the instrument in the artist’s hands, and sometimes the main character, when we see him slender and beautiful in the foreground among the pines rising up into the white void. The works of Yana Smetanina carry the symbolism and eminence of the Soviet era, their irony, as it were, reveals post-Soviet nostalgia and myth-creation about the Soviet past.
In 2017, the Fine Art Gallery turned 25 years old. In the first years of work, there was not only the Internet, but also a mobile phone. Everything is out of network coverage. Artists of the older generations with whom the Gallery worked, the bulk of their lives lived off the Internet. These are Igor Vulokh, Eduard Gorokhovsky, Sergey Shablavin, Igor Shelkovsky, Andrey Grositsky, whose works are also presented at the exhibition.
So, the paintings are aged simulacra, and the name of the exhibition carries a double meaning or ironic implication. Park - memory and culture, and relaxation. As if with time, culture has disappeared into the past. It seems that the artist in a modern conceptual language answers the company against contemporary art with the closure of exhibitions at the request of anonymous hooligans, with the unpunished destruction of museum exhibits and attacks on artists and writers. Time is continuous, as is the history of art, which is constantly developing in variability. All artists care about modernity, the problem of the connection of man with the world, the artist and the viewer. Eternal philosophical questions that you can ask yourself by turning off the phone, being outside the network. And we find ourselves out of network coverage. This is given to us, as they say, "to think."
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