Exhibition "80th Anniversary of the Art Faculty of VGIK"
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с 7 Марта
по 8 АпреляГалерея искусств Зураба Церетели
ул. Пречистенка, 19
In the halls of the MVK RAX Gallery of Art of Zurab Tsereteli (Prechistenka, 19), an exhibition opens dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the art faculty of VGIK.
Each faculty of VGIK is unique, each has its own history, its own traditions, woven into the general outline of the traditions of the first state cinema university in the world.
The uniqueness of the art faculty lies in that school of professional excellence, in that system of educating a film artist, which was formed by the efforts of outstanding figures of Russian fine art - F. S. Bogorodsky, Yu. I. Pimenov, B. V. Dubrovsky-Eshke, I. P. Ivanova -Vano, M. A. Bogdanova, G. A. Myasnikov, I. A. Spinel… Bright painters, graphic artists created a kind of new reality born of their imagination, the visual world of films that have become classics of Russian cinema. The art faculty is proud of the names of its graduates, outstanding masters who have done a lot for the development of domestic art - M. M. Kurilko-Ryumin, A. T. Borisov, V. Ya. Leventhal, S. A. Alimov, A. V. Kuznetsov, V In Petrov, VV Arkhipov and many others.
The exhibition exposition will comprise more than 100 works of this brilliant galaxy of masters. Picturesque and graphic sketches for feature films and animated films, easel work, costumes and costume sketches are a peculiar embodiment of the history of Russian cinema, an interesting page in the history of Russian fine art.
“The official opening of the art faculty took place in 1938,” said V.S. Malyshev, rector of VGIK, doctor of art history, professor. - From that moment, regular training of film artists at VGIK began. One of the founders of the art faculty, F. S. Bogorodsky, recalled: “For a number of years, we, the organizers of this faculty, have had to deal with the inertia of some filmmakers who believed that the film artist is a narrow specialist who can only write backgrounds, captions, and build scenery on the direction of the operator or director, performing the functions of "foreman". But we believed that a movie artist, like any artist, should first of all be a master of fine art, that is, able to write, draw and compose. He must be an educated person, figuratively thinking, able to know the phenomena of reality… "
The origins of the Vgikov system of art education are in the traditions of Russian painting with its folklore motifs, a peculiar Russian “elegance” and lapidarity, simplicity and clarity of expression of thought. The basis of this system is the development of academic drawing and painting - the classical school of fine art, without which the preparation of a true professional artist is unthinkable. And this is also the uniqueness of training at VGIK.
The Vgikovskaya school is the breadth and universality of art education, based not on narrow practicalism and craftsmanship, but on the development of creative thinking, the ability to “see” and translate “seen” by plastic means into a work of art.
Its main feature is the training of broad-profile artists who can work in the cinema and in any other field of fine art. It is no accident that graduates of the faculty - film and television artists, costume designers, animated film, animation and computer graphic artists - successfully work not only in film and television, but also in theater, painting, and graphics.
The exhibition is open to visitors from March 7 to April 8, 2018.
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