Time selection. New Arrivals
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с 28 Февраля
по 3 ОктябряИсторический музей
Красная площадь, дом 1.

In the year of the 150th anniversary, the State Historical Museum has prepared an exhibition, which presents items that have come to its funds over the past 20 years. New acquisitions take up space on two floors of the permanent exhibition of the Main Building of the Historical Museum and demonstrate the process of completing the museum collection.
“At the present stage, work on acquisition is one of the main tasks facing the museum. Over the twenty-one years of the new millennium, the collections have replenished by almost 270,000 items. As part of the new exhibition, we are showing some of these acquisitions in the permanent exhibition space, thus focusing the attention of visitors on the fact that the museum is not frozen in place, but continues to develop,” says director Alexei Levykin.
At the moment, the collection of the State Historical Museum contains more than 5 million items, which makes it the largest museum repository in Russia. An active process of acquisition and replenishment of funds began from the moment the museum was created: some things were brought as a gift, others were bought from antique dealers and private individuals, and others were bequeathed - sometimes entire collections. Thus, the collection of P. I. Shchukin, whose collection at the beginning of the 20th century was bequeathed to the Historical Museum, increased the museum funds several times. In Soviet times, employees organized historical and everyday expeditions, the participants of which selected and brought to the museum from various regions of the Soviet Union museum exhibits that replenished its collections.
In the process of acquisition, the museum gets both unique items and things that have a greater degree of memorial and historical than artistic significance. This approach to the replenishment of museum funds was formulated by one of the founding fathers, I. E. Zabelin: “The Historical Museum is not a museum of rarities, unseen things. It is a collection of monuments, i.e., various things that systematically introduce the viewer into the everyday order of a past life, why not rarities are dear to him, but all sorts of ordinary household items, as long as they replenish the general circle of everyday needs and requirements. Until now, the employees of the Historical Museum follow this principle and continue to replenish the collection with objects that most clearly reflect the image of their era.
The exhibition shows items that give an idea of the composition and variety of new arrivals. Among them are works of arts and crafts: a tea service with decor based on the drawings of the murals of the Raphael Loggias in the Vatican, made by order of Emperor Alexander II, a rare silver hide of the beginning of the 18th century, the only table in Russia for needlework at the turn of the 16th-17th centuries. from Western Europe. Also, the collection of the museum was replenished with two icons - the icon “Our Lady of the Sign (“Abalatskaya”)”, created on the territory of Western Siberia in the first third of the 18th century, and the Novgorod icon “The Nativity of Christ” of the last third of the 15th century. One of the latest additions to the fund of fine materials was the portrait of Tsarevich Alexander Alexandrovich - the only known work of the artist Ivan Izvekov. The largest and most dynamically growing department remains the Department of Archaeological Monuments, which is replenished thanks to annual expeditions. The exposition presents previously unexhibited finds from the Bosporus, Smolensk, Volga and other archaeological expeditions.
- Exhibition "Ural: Images and Myths"
- Personal exhibition of Tatyana Laryova. To the anniversary of the author