The second festival of contemporary photography "FIXAGE"
Automatic translate
с 21 Апреля
по 9 МаяЦентральный Дом художника
Крымский Вал, 10
From April 21 to May 9 at the Central House of Artists on Krymsky Val (Moscow, Krymsky Val, 10), the Second Festival of Contemporary Photography “FIXAGE” will be held. Themes of the festival in 2017: “Seize the moment!”, “Photo experiment”, “Ecology”.
"Fixer" unites modern photographers working in various techniques of the art of photography: reportage, macro photography, psychological portraiture, genre photo, photo landscape, city photography and much more. Each of the “magnificent eight” authors will present their personal series of works performed in the past few years. Photographers announced for Fixage 2017: Pavel Korbut, Alik Yakubovich, Sergey Savkin, Sergey Makurin, Oksana Muzyka, Nina Ay-Artyan, Andrey Nechaev, Victoria Ivanova. Each of the authors will present a full-fledged photo exhibition as part of the festival.
Nina Ay-Atyan - is widely known to the photographic community for her photo projects in the genres of street photo, self-portrait and genre photography. She explores the asocial in a regulated anthill of Moscow streets and Moscow transport.
Nina Ai-Artyan. From the series “City”, 2016
Victoria Ivanova is the author of the famous series of staged photographs - philosophical still lifes that make you cry and laugh. Fruits, carpentry tools and chess come to life, as in fairy tales-parables.
Victoria Ivanova. Racial discrimination
Pavel Korbut is a living legend in the world of jazz. His collection of photographs includes the most famous Russian and foreign jazz artists. At the festival, the author will present his personal exhibition “Emotional Jazz”.
Pavel Korbut. Arkady Shilkoper. Moscow, 2014. Sound Studio "Ton-Studio Mosfilm"
Alik Yakubovich - poet, photographer, participant in numerous art projects, specializes in the genre of social reporting, mainly with black and white photography.
Alik Yakubovich. Provincial brass band. Nizhny Novgorod, 2016
Sergey Makurin is a professional lifeguard, photographer, traveler, author of numerous projects related mainly to photo landscapes shot under extreme conditions of mountain hiking in Russia (Northern Urals, Kamchatka) and abroad (Himalayas).
Sergey Makurin. A piece of paradise lost in the snow
Oksana Muzyka is a photographer with tremendous creative baggage, a participant in a dozen photo projects, often associated with underwater photography. She is equally expert in scuba gear and a camera.
Sergey Savkin - a professional photographer engaged in scientific photography, works as a photographer at the physics department of Moscow State University. Sergey’s photo luggage is enormous - from infrared photography to social reporting. In his hands, ordinary urban landscapes turn into utopian cities of the future.
Andrey Nechaev is a photographer with more than 30 years of experience, a publisher, a physicist by training, and a candidate of technical sciences. The author of numerous popular science stories about different parts of the planet in the magazines Around the World and Discovery, a researcher at the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Participated and is participating in expeditions to the Far East (Kamchatka, Kuril Islands) and the Far North (Taimyr).
Andrey Nechaev. Bears on the blueberry tundra. In the Uzon caldera. Kamchatka
Photographers are united not by subject or genre, public recognition or the number of personal exhibitions, but by relevance and a non-standard approach to the genres in which they work, a thirst for experiment.
The FIXAGE Festival of Contemporary Photography is contemporary photography for contemporaries. The classics will be tomorrow, now - the search for new, relevant ideas, forms and language, the interaction of contemporaries representing their photoconceptions, lively communication between amateurs and professionals. So that the idea does not get lost in time, does not go into the sand, you need a temporary fixative - photo-fixation.
Within the framework of the festival, an exhibition of the best works of the laureates of the Second International Photographic Contest "(For) Fix the World!" The competition itself, which runs from February 1 to March 26, will end with the award ceremony, which will be held on April 23 at the festival venue.
“Fixage” will be held in a democratic photo forum mode, a “gathering point” for amateurs and professionals working in the field of modern photography, where, in addition to the exhibitions on display, there will be lectures and master classes on numerous facets of photo art: travel photo, theater photo, city photo and an interesting music program, which will include: the Asian drum show “Taiko in-Spiration”, the dance program of the project “Dudes”, the group “Project HB”, the quartet of Yakov Okun, the duet of Roman Palmov and Olga Egorova and much, much more.
Entrance to all events of the festival by tickets of the Central House of Artists
Photos taken at the FIXAGE 2016 festival
Sergey Tolstykh. They are alive. 2016
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