All-Russian art project "Porcelain Siberia"
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с 29 Сентября
по 31 ОктябряУсадьба В.П. Сукачева
ул. Декабрьских Событий, 112
Porcelain is a unique material that subtly senses time. It with amazing accuracy displays the era, fashion trends and moods of society. In the last decade, great attention has been paid all over the world to symposia on ceramics and porcelain.
The art project “Porcelain Siberia” is the result of four symposia of various levels, which took place in Krasnoyarsk and were dedicated to the art of painting and sculpting porcelain. Literary characters and heroes of our days, fateful meetings and love stories, revelations and discoveries, holidays - a lot and very sincere fit into the fragile porcelain exhibits of the exhibition.
The exhibition will feature about 200 works by artists from different countries: Russia, Latvia, Great Britain, Turkey, Spain, the Netherlands, Austria, Germany, Finland. Among the participants are such eminent masters as: Peteris Martinsons (Latvia), Veera Tamminen (Finland), Sergey Rusakov, Vera Bakastova (St. Petersburg, Russia), Irina Korshunova (Gzhel, Russia).
The exhibition "Porcelain Siberia" will be located in the estate of V.P. Sukachev in a separate house, in which for several years there is a museum of porcelain. Expositions are interchangeable. Recall, the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum has a rich collection of porcelain, including Khaitinsky. Some items produced at the factory in Hait over the years will complement the Porcelain Siberia exhibition.
The opening of the exhibition will take place on September 29 at 14.00 in the estate of V.P. Sukachev at the address: st. December Events, 112. Entrance to the opening is free. The exhibition will run until the end of October 2015.
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