"World Exhibition in Paris in 1900 in stereo pairs and photographs"
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с 18 Мая
по 17 ИюняГосударственный музей архитектуры имени А.В. Щусева
ул. Воздвиженка, д.5/25
State Museum of Architecture named after A.V. Shchuseva (in the building of the Pharmaceutical Order) presents the exhibition project "World Exhibition in Paris in 1900 in stereo pairs and photographs." The collection of photographs and stereo pairs from 1900 from the collection of the Museum of Architecture makes it possible to plunge into the atmosphere of the world festival of science, technology and art more than a century ago, to see the exhibition pavilions of different countries, as well as to witness new achievements in the field of photography of that time.

Opening the 20th century, the World Exhibition in Paris continued the architectural traditions of the world exhibitions that arose in the middle of the 19th century. At the same time, a new technology became widespread - photography, which captured the history of this exhibition movement. The Paris exhibition was not only a demonstration of the discoveries of science, new inventions, revolutionary breakthroughs in industry, innovations in the field of fine and applied art, but also an exhibition of the achievements of architecture and building technologies, and most importantly - an architectural representation of the participating countries. The exhibition space in Paris included buildings and pavilions built for previous Parisian exhibitions, such as the Eiffel Tower (1889) and the Trocadero Palace (1878).
The exhibition at the Museum of Architecture is based on a demonstration of the originals of photographs and stereo pairs of 1900 from different photo companies of the world. The exposition will feature a unique stereopair of 1851, which recorded the Paxton Crystal Palace in 1851 at the first World Exhibition in London, which allows you to make an excursion not only into the history of the architecture of the exhibition halls, but also into the history of stereo photography.
To emphasize the technological features of the stereo pair genre, the stereoscope of the second half of the 19th century available at the Museum of Architecture will be supplemented with stereoscopes from the Polytechnic Museum.
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