World League for the Care of World Citizens
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The World League “Mind Without Drugs” held an unprecedented in scale, list of participants and audience reach conference “A new look at the fight against drug addiction and innovative methods of prevention”. The event was held on the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking - June 26, and gathered over 200 thousand people from around the world on online broadcasts.
The Council of Honorary Members of the League nominated 12 candidates for the title of World Drug Fighters. TOP-12 includes the spiritual leader of the Buddhists Dalai Lama XIV, Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, Russian politician Valentina Matvienko, writer and Nobel laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez and others. Each of those who received the high rank of a humanist and a fighter against drug addiction prepared an Anti-Drug Manifesto specifically for the project.
Appeals to humanity were published on on the day of the conference and received more than 300 endorsements. The discussion itself was attended by 80 experts from around the world, whose competence is the solution of social, economic and political problems. The best minds, having turned into a single scientific center for the duration of the event, gave more than 100 exclusive comments on the most pressing issues related to drug addiction. The World League intends to use the information received in drawing up recommendations for government programs to preserve and improve social capital.
The right mood of the conference from the very beginning was given by the words of the President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez that “we should all be imbued with the spirit of Don Quixote, a fighter who came to our world to fight against injustice”. And what brings more discord to the world than drugs and the policies that stand on them?
Nursultan Nazarbayev as a major modern politician focused on the geopolitical aspect of the topic: “We have been studying and analyzing this issue for several years, and today the concern is the withdrawal of collective forces from Afghanistan and the transfer of power to the local elite. It is not yet clear which government will stand at the head of the country and whether it will be able to confront the increasing volumes of drug trafficking. The stability of the region remains in doubt, not least because of the tense situation in the Middle East. It is not known how the confrontation between Israel and Iran will end and how it will affect Afghanistan, located nearby, ”his manifesto says.
Nazarbayev also emphasized the priority of collective action within the framework of the CSTO and the SCO to minimize drug trafficking through the territories of Kazakhstan and Russia. However, some conference participants met the manifesto of the President of Kazakhstan ambiguously: “this is correct, but as long as the world is unipolar, the drug business will flourish,” said Cindy from New York.
Valentina Matvienko, in turn, turned to national issues: “Today, any person who somehow supports the drug business should be considered a criminal,” said the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. Such a reaction is quite natural, because in Russia the problem of drug addiction is very acute. Over the past ten years alone, the unofficial number of sick drug addicts has increased to 1.5 million people. 94% of HIV patients are drug addicts, and in 44 regions of Russia the number of drug addicts exceeds 100 people per 100 thousand of the population. With such depressing figures, Valentina Matvienko repeatedly spoke before the legislative branch of the Russian Federation and did so at the site of the World League.
Michelle Obama in her address suggested using a new approach to the fight against drug addiction. What made drugs popular will eradicate them: “America of the last century is at the forefront of social transformations and achievements. And the phenomenon of drug addiction associated with the culture of the 60s and medical discoveries of the same time, today has exhausted its potential to expand consciousness and generate individual communities, such as hippies. We can say that the extreme experiments with man and society in America are completed and the results are widely known throughout the world, ”says Ms. Obama.
The First Lady of the United States calls for educating responsible citizens and forming the right attitude: “Given that America, the birthplace of mass culture, and with globalization trends, has become the cultural center of the world, the content of the message that we transmit to the world in food products depends on us. Therefore, in our hands is the strongest tool for influencing reality. ”
The Queen of the Netherlands Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard took the most loyal position: “The Netherlands has a policy of tolerance. This means that while possession and sale of soft drugs is an offense, criminal prosecution usually does not follow, ”she says. Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard tried to explain the essence of the Netherlands’s non-trivial drug policy. “The idea is that people who use cannabis do not need to illegally purchase their soft drugs from a dealer, this reduces their chances of coming into contact with hard drugs.” However, in conclusion, she noted: "I do not presume to say that the experience of the Netherlands will be equally successful in introducing it in other states."
Commentators vigorously reacted to this. A user from Cuba from Kazakhstan wrote that he fully supported the Dutch policy: “It would be great to adapt it to our country.” It was not without sarcasm: “The Netherlands with drugs, like its football team, is doing everything right, but in the end, " 0 points "," Irwin from Dublin, Ireland drew an analogy.
A distinctive factor in this conference was the absolute pluralism of opinions. If a user Lin from China, under the Dalai Lama XIV manifest, wrote that he considers the policy of his country (China) to be correct, but not severe enough, and calls for “punishing these drug addicts severely so that others are afraid to get involved with drugs,” then “Young and Hot” from Australia In his commentary on the same appeal, he said: “I urge everyone who hears me to burn life without a trace, because if you live in such a way that there is nothing to remember, is it really life? This is existence. There are stones or trees, we must live! ”
Expert presentations were often comprehensive answers to such suggestions. Former head of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia Alexander Mikhailov convincingly spoke about changes in the information environment: “Several years ago, there was a ban on any mention of a possible recovery. Like, “you can’t say, because young people will think that I’ll be generational, and therefore I’ll take it and get well!” Today we understand that such a theory is a dead end for recovery. Any person should have hope. Diabetes is incurable, but do we reject patients? Every person has cancer cells - but do we even deprive cancer patients of hope? And people with epilepsy? It is necessary to radically revise such theories. And there can be only one help - the efforts of society and the state to return people to society. ”
“One of the important social factors for the well-being of society is the ratio of poor and rich people in it, the possibility of self-realization of a person in difficult conditions of market relations, the level of education and employment,” continues the topic of public relations, Chairman of the Union of Journalists of Russia Vsevolod Bogdanov. - The foundation of a person’s personality is laid in the family. Therefore, the state, its administrative and financial institutions should create modern and sufficient conditions for the harmonious development of their future citizens. ”
In the World League event, geographically covering 138 countries of the world, citizens from the countries of the CIS and Europe excelled most, followed by the United States, Japan and Canada. South Americans have shown less interest in drug problems. The largest number of visitors was registered from Russia. About 100 thousand visitors to the largest country in the country received the most relevant information about the current realities of the fight against drug addiction.
The most active participants were visitors from Europe and Europe, the CIS, the USA, China and Japan. At the moment, the World League is gathering useful recommendations for the preparation of the final report.
For more information on the TOP-12 Anti-Drug Manifestos of the Fighters against drug addiction and expert opinions, see
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