Automatic translate
19 Марта
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
Saturday, March 19, 3 p.m.
Antonio Vivaldi and Johann Sebastian Bach are two baroque geniuses. Two phenomena, the mystery of which more and more new generations of musicians are trying to solve. Both composers awaken amazing overtones in the hearts of listeners, falling into resonance with the senses, opening up worlds of unprecedented beauty and harmony. Vivaldi’s "Seasons" is the deepest analogy with the life path of man. Bach’s music is a vast universe. By the way, both Vivaldi and Bach were forgotten by the general public, shortly after death. And it took many decades for their creations to return to us. And yet - Bach really appreciated and loved Vivaldi, shifting his works for his beloved organ. Sorry, Vivaldi never found out about it.
Taras Baginets organ
Evdokia Ionina violin
Moscow Symphony Orchestra BELSOUND
Artistic Director and Principal Conductor Yuri Lukyanin
Program: A. Vivaldi, I.S. Bach
Gift: Venetian mask
For more information and to buy a ticket, go to www.belcantofund.com
- Architects of dreams. Video art and installations. XVI International Festival of Animation Arts "Multivision"
- Seasons - Organ Version
- Seasons - Organ Version
- Seasons - Organ Version