Seasons - Organ Version
Automatic translate
30 Апреля
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
April 30, Saturday, 18.00
Duration - 80 minutes.
The seasons are one of the most popular stories in world music. Vivaldi, Haydn, Tchaikovsky, Piazzolla - this is not an exhaustive list of great composers who turned to their favorite topic. And this appeal is natural. Since the subtext of the seasons is the life of a person. From spring (birth) - to summer (flowering), from autumn (maturity) - to winter (death). The sound of the musical seasons of the year invariably resonates in the hearts of listeners - we also constantly think about life and death, the meaning of existence and its seeming nonsense. Music leads us along the path of our own biography, and does it colorfully, richly. Much richer than it seems in everyday life - forcing us to look back, to look at ourselves. And to see the joys not seen before, in the usual bustle, smile at the sorrows. After all, even the saddest, in musical embodiment, is beautiful.
Laureates of international competitions
Olesya Kravchenko organ
Evdokia Ionina violin
Moscow Orchestra BELSOUND
Artistic Director and Conductor Yuri Lukyanin
Program: A. Vivaldi, V.A. Mozart
- “The Bald Soprano” by Eugène Ionesco
- Seasons - Organ Version
- Seasons - Organ Version
- "Seasons: Vivaldi-Bach"