Seasons - Organ Version
Automatic translate
7 Марта
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
Monday March 7, 3 p.m.
Duration - 80 minutes.
Every composer wants to create something that will be admired centuries later. Indeed, in this way, the creator becomes familiar with eternity. We don’t know what Antonio Vivaldi was thinking about when creating his “Seasons”… most likely, he simply enjoyed the successfully developing melodies and harmonies - the inspiration is so exciting! But we know something that contemporaries did not know about - the red-haired Venetian priest managed to create a miracle. His genius turned out to be subject to hearts and souls, feelings and reason… "Seasons" - music that unites humanity. They are the unchanging code of our cultural self-identification. And… the continued enjoyment of listening. The master loved and knew how to compose music. It is no coincidence that he wrote more than 500 instrumental concerts alone!
The main organist of the Dome Cathedral in Riga
Evgenia Lisitsyna organ
Evdokia Ionina violin
Moscow Symphony Orchestra BELSOUND
Artistic Director and Principal Conductor Yuri Lukyanin
Program: A. Vivaldi
For more information and to buy a ticket, go to