The enemy is like a double. The image of a German in domestic cinema
Automatic translate
25 Ноября
Галерея “Нагорная”
ул. Ремизова, 10
November 25 at 19. 00 will be held LECTURE (16+) in the framework of the cycle "Unforgettable cinema" The enemy as a double. The image of a German in domestic cinema
Lecture in the framework of the project on the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the year of literature “Screen truth about the war”
Lecturer - Eugene Margolit *, film expert, film critic, historian, recognized expert on Soviet cinema.
* Laureate of the Prize of the Guild of Film Critics and Film Critics of Russia in the nomination “Theory and History of Cinema. Author of books “Soviet cinema art. The main stages of formation and development ”(1988),“ Seized movie. 1924-1953 ”(1995, co-authored with V. Shmyrov) and“ Living and the Dead. Notes to the history of Soviet cinema of the 1920-1960s ”(2012). Screenwriter of the documentary film series “Anthology of Russian Cinema” (2002-2004). Author and presenter of the television program "Collection of Eugene Margolit" on the channel "Culture").
Admission by tickets to the exhibition is 100 and 50 rubles.