"Warriors of light, kindness and freedom"
Automatic translate
с 16 по 22 Июня
D.E.V.E gallery
Болотная набережная, 11-1
From June 16 to 22, 2016, the DEVE Gallery Moscow space will become an aesthetic springboard for the work of two artists - two Warriors of Light, Good and Freedom - Sergey Ireshev and Alexander Sukhorukov.
They shared their thoughts about the upcoming exhibition: “In our work, we are trying to reveal the lost harmony of man with the universe. Our task is to show the deep spiritual light of the surrounding reality, full of complex and intricate ways to achieve it. Simplicity and complexity, femininity and courage, a rush of action and meditation, sinfulness and purity, openness and secrecy are hidden in our images. The human essence breaks out of the borders of everyday life.
We enter into dialogue with the audience, saturating and overwhelming them with emotions. Our contact takes place through the sequential saturation of sensations, generalized into a certain structure, with the absence of informative specificity. ”
The style of figurative abstraction chosen by the artists brings them closer to the desire to combine the incompatible. They consistently comprehended the basics of painting, working in such different styles as impressionism and abstractionism. As a result, their ideological struggle for the aesthetics of light, kindness and freedom found its own unique path, reflected in a series of works presented at the exhibition in the DEVE Gallery.
Exhibition work for visitors
June 16 – 22, 2016
daily except Sunday
from 12:00 to 19:00
Free admission