"Together". Victor Glukhov, Maxim Glukhov. Painting Irina Glukhova, Alexander Glukhov Graphics
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с 21 Февраля
по 12 МартаРоссийская академия художеств
Пречистенка, 21
February 21, 2017 at 16.00 Russian Academy of Arts at the address: st. Prechistenka 21 presents an exhibition of works by representatives of one of the artistic dynasties of Moscow - the famous painter, people’s artist of the Russian Federation, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, chairman of the Moscow Artistic Council Viktor Glukhov, master of abstract painting, honored artist of the Russian Federation, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Irina Glukhova and their sons, painters, corresponding members PAX of Max and Alexander Glukhov - “Together”.
The exposition presents about 200 paintings and graphic works made in recent years - portraits, landscapes, still lifes, etc.
V. Glukhov was born in Moscow in 1946. In 1973 he graduated from the art and graphic faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. V.I. Lenin. The formation of V. Glukhov as an artist was greatly facilitated by the appeal to the work of great masters - P. Cezanne, P. Konchalovsky, masters of the Jack of Diamonds, as well as sixties artists: V. Popkov, N. Andronov, E. Bragovsky and others. Active participation in exhibitions allowed the artist to find his own picturesque language, his style, color and preserve the life-affirming mood of his works.
The master’s canvases depict his family and friends, the nature of central Russia, the landscapes of small cities of Russia, testifying to his love for the Russian province. The artist’s works are marked by the immediacy of life observation and the internal integrity of the image. For V. Glukhov, color becomes the main means of expression, a plastic form that allows you to most fully express the artist’s intention. The artist’s surprisingly diverse palette, the spiritual energy of his works, their substantial range demonstrate the high professionalism and depth of the artist’s penetration into the essence of the phenomena of the world.
The works of V. Glukhov reflected a wide range of themes and plots: landscape and still life, portrait and genre composition, which, organically combining, freely move from one genre space to another. The plot plot of the master’s works is quite prosaic, but it is she who subtly sets off special poetic intonations that fill the deeply associative content context of his canvas.
The work of V. Glukhov is an embodiment of the traditions of the Moscow school of painting. In some canvases of the master, frank reminiscences of the plots of his main teacher P. Cezanne are visible. Hence the increased interest in color, light, texture of objects, a combination of simple natural forms. Major coloristic chords bring a touch of solemn sound into even the most mundane motive. So the painter shows the "quiet life" of everyday objects or the genre plot as a bright festive event.
Many of the master’s works are dedicated to his wife Irina. V. Glukhov’s favorite genre is still life, in which he achieved great perfection. The exhibition also included a series of works on which a nude model is presented. For V. Glukhov, his workshop in Skhodna is not just a place of creativity, but the promised land, it is his microcosm, where everything exists in harmony, gives him happy moments of unity with nature at different times of the year: “The sun is in the workshop. Katya, Winter Sunny Day, etc.
The works of V. Glukhov are in collections of the largest art museums in our country, as well as in private collections in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, Finland, France and Russia.
One of the sections of the exhibition acquaints the viewer with the graphic works of Irina Glukhova, made in the technique of watercolor and gouache. I. Glukhova is a painter of bright talent, an established master with his own vision of the world, deeply individual pictorial plasticity, special musical coloring and emotional elevation.
After graduating from Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. V.I. Lenin in 1976 I. Glukhova quickly found her own pictorial language, gravitating to a more generalized view of reality compared to the traditions of a realistic school. I. Glukhova is engaged in abstract painting, and at the same time writes figurative compositions, landscapes and still lifes. Of no small importance in her work are watercolors. It is I. Glukhov’s watercolor technique that he uses to express his thoughts and ideas, which he then transfers to the canvas, achieving in the watercolor coloristic depth and refined color combinations.
Since the beginning of the 1990s, Glukhova acted as an already established master of pointless painting and began to carry out innovative art projects. A significant influence on the formulation of new plastic problems by her was her predisposition to expressing her emotional state, and the musical education received by I. Glukhova in her youth also affected. The artist’s studies were reflected in such works as Moderato, Foxtrot and others. The author’s picturesque techniques often contribute to the transfer on the graphic sheets of the breath of the modern city, tangible in such works as “Winter. Night city ”,“ Night lamp ”, etc. In the dramaturgy of her compositions, the animal world and jazz rhythms, the wind blowing and flying objects, a swinging pendulum and a street lamp organically meet.
According to art historian V. Patsyukov, “The composition of I. Glukhova is revealed as a coded text, as a runic letter, which stores messages of love and a diary entry, a warning signal and an image of sacred reality, sincere joy and naturalness of a simple document of time.” The artist masterfully transforms the characteristics of the objective world into meaningless compositions. The sonorous spots of coloristic chords, folkloric intonations, the shed festivity of the works of I. Glukhova send the viewer to the heritage of Russian folk culture.
I. Glukhova belongs to the circle of masters who determine the atmosphere of artistic Moscow. Her works are kept in collections of the largest art museums in the country, as well as in private collections in Russia and abroad.
It is not surprising that in a family where the spirit of creativity and the search for new ways in art reigns, the young generation also became artists.
Several exhibition halls are reserved for the works of artists Max and Alexander Glukhov. Both were born in Moscow in 1975. In 1992 they graduated from the Moscow Academic Art Lyceum, and in 1999 - the faculty of painting of Moscow State Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov, a workshop led by N.I. Andronov, then - graduate school of this institute. Members of the Ministry of Agriculture. They quickly entered the great art, actively declaring their identity and ambitions. It is difficult to give preference to one of them, they are so different in the style of figurative self-expression. The Glukhov brothers, in parallel with painting, are successfully engaged in art photography. Alexander is an excellent painter and draftsman. He is very selective in choosing themes and subjects, giving preference to social and family values. The exhibition is represented by a series of graphic drawings in which he creates with special warmth the soulful images of his loved ones - his wife Katya and son Makar.
Max creates in a different genre range, with different accents. He seeks to show the physical and moral beauty of his contemporaries, to express his spiritual involvement in the fate and life of ordinary people. In recent years, he has also acted as a photo artist, often presenting projects on social issues to the audience.
The exhibition “Together” is convincing evidence that family and spiritual kinship does not prevent each of these artists from preserving their creative individuality, staying true to their figurative and plastic systems of vision of the world.
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