Exhibition of Vladimir Scherbinin "Canned time"
Automatic translate
с 25 Февраля
по 20 МартаЦентральная городская библиотека им. А.В. Потаниной
ул. Трилиссера, д. 32
In the works presented at the exhibition, the Irkutsk citizens will see how the artist conveys the changes taking place in nature, in himself and in his perception of the reality surrounding him over time.
A number of landscapes are painted in the same locality, and they well convey changes in nature depending on the time of year.
“Time is what concerns everyone,” the artist believes. And only the pictures stop him and save. Pictures are a kind of "canned food of the time" - so the artist believes.
For example, in the work “Mannequins - Stopped Time,” stopping time is shown quite in contrast. His stop is symbolized by the mannequins standing in the window; for them, time has stopped; and in the foreground of the picture are people who are rushing about their business, they live in a real flow of time.

In the picture “March. In anticipation of green foliage ”, the viewer sees both the present and the future event, ie the event that is about to happen, the kidneys are swollen and very soon the first green leaves will appear. This future event is “planned” by the artist in time and all conditions have been prepared for this: tree branches stretch to the sky and light, kidneys are formed and swollen, which will soon burst.

The “Housewarming” also indicates the present and the expected event - the imminent birth of a new person.

In the "Irkutsk Madonna," the child looks warily at an unfamiliar world, cuddling close to his mother, the world in which he will live and learn about it in the future. Here we also see "two times."

"Space and Time of the Blind." And in this work, too, “sounds” Time. Only here the concept of time is ambiguous, since it is difficult to answer the question: “How do blind people measure time?” Of course, they have their own mechanisms and tools for determining time.

The painting “The Singing Dachshund” captures a rare occurrence - the dachshund sings not because of an incentive to receive refreshments, this is not the result of training, she sings because she wants to. This is a short but bright moment of the joint creativity of man and animal. And this moment the artist kept in his work.

The exhibition "Canned Time" will be held from February 25 to March 20 at the Central City Library named after A.V. Potanina of Irkutsk at the address: st. Trilisser, d. 32.
Viewers will be offered about 40 works.
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