Vladimir Migachev. "Land. Observation diary"
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с 4 Февраля
по 3 АпреляГалерея ARTSTORY
Старопименовский пер., д. 14
New landscapes of ash and earth will be shown at the exhibition of Krasnodar artist Vladimir Migachev in Moscow.
The exhibition will be held from February 4 to April 3 in the metropolitan gallery ARTSTORY. A major personal project is called “Edge. Observation diary. "
For many years, Vladimir Migachev has been creating his large-scale easel paintings in the genre, by his own definition, of a monotonous landscape, opening up new depths and meanings in it. His style can be defined as a synthesis of metaphysical realism and neo-expressionism, enriched by a piercing Russian landscape tradition. In one of the interviews, Migachev says of himself: “I am Russian, I was born here, grew up and will stay here. For me, everything that happens here is my problem, my pain. I have a feeling that it is necessary to bring this pain to the limit, as in existentialism, to show this edge, to shake the viewer, otherwise no one will see anything. "
The main theme of Migachev is endless expanses and roads going to infinity. His stories reveal the author’s philosophy of the “cosmos of the earth” - as harmony and opposition of material and spiritual principles. The works are always large-format, - the large size of the paintings seems to lead the artist along, dictates the conditions for talking about the landscape and about a person who is always invisibly present in this landscape, participates in its formation. Hence the picturesque materials that the artist uses in his works: ash, ashes are the main technical elements of his palette (“it is important for me that the earth remains the earth and on canvas”); still often uses acrylic and Kuzbasslak. He writes mainly with his hands, which allows the size of the canvases, he takes brushes only for the study of details.
The artist was born in 1959 in a village in the Oryol region. After graduating from the art and graphic department of the Kuban State University, he stayed to live in Krasnodar. He started working in the mid-80s in the style of classical realism (“realism as a literal reflection of nature”), then there was a period of fascination with abstraction, which ended in the late 90s, after three years of painting the Orthodox church in Krasnodar. As the artist himself explains: "The genre did not interest me anymore; I was ill with abstract painting, so a landscape arose." In the genre of landscape painting, Migachev has become a recognized master of contemporary art, or rather, “contemporary art,” which is what he prefers. Although, according to him, he does not write pure landscapes - for him it is always a “story through the landscape”, the main character in Migachev’s paintings is a person who observes nature.
The first catalog exhibition was held in Krasnodar in 1987. Since then, personal and group expositions of Migachev’s works have been regularly held in Russia and abroad.
The collaboration of the artist and the gallery began with the exhibition “Middle Strip”, which took place at ARTSTORY in November 2014. For the exhibition “EDGE. Observation diary”the author has prepared new works. Within the framework of the project, a monograph will be presented on the work of Vladimir Migachev.
ARTSTORY Gallery: Moscow, Staropimenovsky per., D. 14 (metro Tverskaya, Mayakovskaya). Every day, except Mondays, from 12.00 to 20.00. Free admission.
- Igor Dryomin: Opening of the exhibition project of Vladimir Migachev "EDGE. Observation Diary"
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