"Vladimir Kozin. Years Young"
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с 19 по 30 Декабря
Борей Арт-Центр
Литейный 58
The exhibition “Vladimir Kozin. Years are young. " The exhibits are graphics and objects of the early 2000s.
Vladimir Kozin was born in 1953 in Lviv. In 1980 he graduated from LVHPU them. Mukhina, Department of architectural and decorative plastic. Since 1984, a member of the Union of Artists. Member of the St. Petersburg Humanitarian Fund "Free Culture". Since 1996, a member of the art association New Dumb Partnership. Director of the alternative traveling museum of contemporary art "Museum of the Mousetrap of Contemporary Art". In 2000, together with Vadim Flyagin, he founded the creative association “PARAZIT”. Works in various genres of contemporary art: press art, object, installation, performance, photo, video, author’s book. The works of Vladimir Kozin are in the collections of the Russian Museum, the Mordovian Republican Museum of Fine Arts named after S. Erz (Saransk), the Museum of Modern Art (Perm), the Institute of Contemporary Russian Culture (Los Angeles, USA), the Saxon State Library (Dresden), and in private collections in Russia and abroad.
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