Automatic translate
с 27 Ноября
по 3 ДекабряГалерея ЛЕГА
Нижний Кисельный пер., 3
Overall size - it is precisely due to different views that a variety of moods and thoughts of the submitted works arise, each has its own expressive means, emotional charge, choice of materials and its own light-rhythmic construction. All this is a general matrix concept, limited by the borders of the canvas, but not by the scale of feelings and emotions; persistent desire to perpetuate the ephemerality, to preserve for many years what is slipping away. Thus, the picture does not capture the event in all its specificity and materiality, but has a pronounced individuality.
Ruben Apresyan
Anna Abazieva
Andrey Volkov
Boris Vilkov
Elena Vecherina
Vladimir Dzhemesyuk
Victor Danilchik
Elena Dmitrieva
Sergey Rain
Irina Zaitseva
Inna Ivanova
Vitaly Kopachev
Nikolay Naumov
Lyokha Orlovsky
Alexander Sokolov
Evgeny Severukhin
Kolya Fellini