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13 Июня
Дом Кочневой
Набережная реки Фонтанки, 41
The concert program, dedicated to the 205th anniversary of the composer’s birthday, will feature arias and ensembles from operas.
His music is characterized by an unquenchable spark of high civil pathos, unmistakable accuracy in the embodiment of the most complex processes taking place in the depths of the human soul, nobility, beauty and inexhaustible melodism. Life in all the variety of conflicts - this is a comprehensive theme of Verdi’s work. The range of its embodiment in the work of the composer is unusually wide - from social conflicts to the confrontation of feelings in the soul of one person. His operas do not leave the world stage. True and relief dramatic situations, sharply defined characters - this, according to Verdi, is the main thing in the opera plot.
Laureate of international competitions Yulia Muzychenko (soprano)
laureate of international competitions Sofia Zabrovskaya (soprano)
laureate of international competitions Tamara Marchenko (mezzo-soprano)
winner of international competitions Leonty Salsky (tenor)
Maxim Bulatov (baritone)
Laureate of international competitions Anna Korzun (piano)
the concert is conducted by Elena Popova
Excursion to the Kochneva House at 18 o’clock (Varlamova).
Beginning at 19 hours.
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