Visions of Alfrid Shaimardanov
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с 28 Августа
по 7 СентябряВыставочный зал Изобразительных искусств ТСХР “Лаврушинский, 15”
Лаврушинский пер. 15

The Creative Union of Russian Artists invites you to the Lavrushinsky 15 art exhibition hall of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts for a personal exhibition of paintings by Alfrid Shaimardanov, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the memory of the outstanding Georgian artist of a naive trend, Niko Pirosmani (1862 - 1918). With his work, he set one of the most important vectors of development of Russian art, opened up new expressive possibilities and a bright unforgettable world of folk life to the world of art. The memory of the outstanding master is kept and enhanced by the artist from Kazan, the famous representative of naive painting Alfrid Shaimardanov. The traditions of life-affirming and figurative painting continue in his colorful paintings, tightly connected with the national spirit. The artist seeks to throw a creative bridge from the era of the last century into the world today.
The artist A. Shaimardanov, whose work is rightly attributed to the naive direction, creates paintings that reflect the whole spectrum of a person’s emotional life of his biography. Joys and dramas, happiness and sorrows, problems of society and an individual person - everything was reflected in the artist’s work, in his peculiar vision of the world. Naive painting that does not comply with the boundaries of academic art, original, free, very individually opens to the viewer the world of images and meanings. His works consist of “high” forms and genres that have turned into naive art and form a touching and distinctive world.
The artist studied at the Leningrad Institute of Cinema Engineers, but his passion for painting outweighed cinema classes. Over a quarter of a century, dozens of exhibitions have been held, masters have seen art in Spain, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Latvia. The name of Alfrid Shaimardanov was included in the reference book of K. G. Bohemsky “Naive Artists of Russia. Collector’s Lexicon ”(St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2009), the works were published in the Naive Art: Volume 1 catalog. London: Sachet Mixte Themes (2015), in the album Museum of Naive Art. Collection of Eugene Roizman "(Yekaterinburg, 2015), in the art encyclopedia" Red Gate. Against the current - 2016 ”(M., 2016).
A. Shaimardanov’s works are in the Museum of Naive Art (Moscow), the Museum of Organic Culture (Kolomna), the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan), the Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts (E. Roizman collection), the Kazan National Cultural Center, and private collections in Russia and Europe.
- Alfrid Shaimardanov. Our everything …
- An exhibition of naive art from the collection of the mayor of the city, Eugene Roizman, opened in the Museum of Fine Arts